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Everything posted by abeukeveld

  1. That wouldn't work well. Lines blow out over time, and all those lines that are close together will just be a big scribble eventually as it ages, even if you get it very large. That's just how tattoos are.
  2. Twin Screws. What else?
  3. Just got this bad boy from Shaun Martinson. https://www.instagram.com/pantherreaper/ 6 hour sit. so painful.
  4. Getting this bigboy on my thigh in 2 days from Shaun Martinson at White Lotus in NB. https://www.instagram.com/pantherreaper/ Gonna be a 3-4 hour sit. Stoked.
  5. Getting a large black and gray rose of no mans land chest piece in January from Josh Peters in Saint John, NB. Stoked
  6. I just healed a sacred heart on the top of the inside of my forearm. I used aquaphor every day from the day after the tattoo was done until it healed. Took about 2 weeks. (but I have friends who say aquaphor heals them in a week) I lost some ink because I picked at it, but all the other areas healed just fine. Only thing is aquaphor healing is a bitch, as its always wet, so its very sensitive and tender because there is no scab to protect it. I got 2 tattoos the same day by the same artist, one healed with aquaphor and the other dry healed, and I had more colour loss with the dry healed tattoo. So aquaphor is worth a try if you dont mind the negative aspects of it.
  7. Cheers man! (Also, I updated the list after you quote me, so check it out again :p) Out of that list, Id say Berlin and Okey Doke are my favorites.
  8. Yeah I live in Moncton! These arent all in Toronto but in Ontario haha Okey Doke Tattoo shop in Toronto Speakeasy Tattoo in Toronto Trophy Tattoo in Hamilton Sink or Swin Tattoo in Aurora Crawling Panther in Cambridge Lucky Devil Tattoo in Barrie Chris Anthon's private studio in Guelph Berlin tattoo in Kitchener.
  9. Got this little beauty at the NB HubCity Tattoo con one week ago. A little hotstuff by Sailor Jerry Swallow, Canada's oldest tattooer. He was taught by Charlie Snow, who was taught by F.A Baldwin, who is arguably one of the first tattooers in Canada. He has the title of Hori from Horihide (Yes, that Horihide) and has been tattooing for over 50 years. He knew all the greats personally. Worked with Malone, Zeke, Jack, Irons, Huck, and all the others. Said Norman Collins was an asshole and Hardy was disrespectful. haha Funny thing is, the lady who wanted to get a tattoo before me didn't even know who he was and wanted to get a tribal design out of a magazine. haha
  10. Awesome tattoo, honestly! Allot of people would be very jealous to have a tattoo as nice as this and in with such a great placement. I always hate my tattoos once I get them, but after a month or two I get over it a love them.
  11. Just got this badboy on my shin from Daryl Hart. Super stoked on it! https://instagram.com/dhart_fbc/
  12. I think this whole appropriation thing comes down to the fine line between respect and abuse. That's all I really have to say on the issue.
  13. Smith St. Wonna see all that flash. Any of Ed's old shops, especially the real ghetto ones. Doc Forbes' shop. Canadian legend, probabaly would have allot of stuff from Canadian (Maybe even North America) tattooing's inception. Charlie Snow or Fred Baldwin as well. Halo tattoo (NYC) for all that beautiful religious flash and decor.
  14. An actual tattoo will look different than sharpie on top of the skin, or tracing paper. After a while the tattoo will appear to be part of the skin. Even new, big tattoos have the appearance of being "ontop" on the skin when they are fresh. They will settle with time. https://instagram.com/livedintattoos/ Flip through this instagram profile of old, healed tattoos. Plenty of them are quite small, but you'd never look at them and think "That's a cool sticker".
  15. 2 pieces I finished recently. around 11 x 17 inches for both.
  16. Just booked an appointment with Daryl Hart (https://instagram.com/dhart_fbc/) in August to get a panther of no man's land on my shoulder. Stoked!
  17. abeukeveld

    Book thread

    Anyone able to testify on the LLLBooks Skull book/Rose Book? Thinking of ordering, but not sure if it would be worth the money. Also considering the TattooTime box set, which I know will be worth the money haha
  18. Few guys Ive finished lately. Gettin' there.... More stuff on my instagram. Couldn't fit all the photos on this post haha @a_beukeveld
  19. Better! If you do some searching, there are allot of really solid traditional images of strongmen and weightlifters, most taking reference from old sideshow strongmen flyers. Really cool stuff.
  20. Not sure about this. Without context it just looks like someone is taking a shit haha
  21. Amidst the Fire Hawk - Snake Vs. Talons Sickest breakdowns of 2015.
  22. What you you guys say is the quintessential "big piece" areas? I find myself having allot of ideas for tattoos, (Like rose of no mans land, scorpions, lamb heads, etc) but don't know where they would go. Right now I have the top of my shoulder, one side of my forearm, one on my calve muscle and one of my collar bone, all fairly medium sized, maybe hand sized. Are there any places that I should get out of the way first?
  23. First thing one of my friends asked me about my first tattoo, "Do you regret it?" "Yup, sure do."
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