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Scott R

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Everything posted by Scott R

  1. thats whats up! you getting like an hr a week or are you going to be covered shortly?
  2. the police always take pictures of mine
  3. Alot of these occupiers must have awesome bosses to be able to take this much time off work :rolleyes:
  4. we must all continue getting work to keep this on the top of the first page
  5. Kev reminded me I have not posted a picture of my ribs on my recent trip to texas.. Here is my amatuerish attempt at self photography
  6. cosign sleep and eat a pbj like 30 minutes before appt. bring some starbursts or other sugary snack while being tattooed. I recently got ribs/stomach done and while raw it was ok. I did not get good sleep and then traveled 6 hrs for 12:00 appt. I am a believer in sleep and food making all the difference
  7. well she is still cute so she will probably glide through life
  8. you should kick yourself in the shin. I felt bad not flying from bum fuck oklahoma eventhough I have had 2 new tattoos in like a 3 1/2 week period. I will be there next year mark my words homo out peace butt fuck
  9. I would say the rosary tattoo back then would be ahead of normal trend tattoo
  10. I am almost too ashamed to admit but The red star was done after the LA. I guess when he decided to get "blooded" (Its all the rage right now lol) he added the red star. Lil wayne,game,wacka flocka,gucci, jon jones,Tech nine . Anyway I never hear sets when these guys are repping their shit just blood,damu, soowoo etc.
  11. i think it should be a prerequisite to get a face tattoo not to be scared of puppies or kittens
  12. Ursula, How dare you talk about titties like that! Fat titties are better than no titties at all ;)
  13. No wait what was the question oh yes but not wads that would be uncomfortable:cool:
  14. the more important question is would he be spared by zombies if the dreaded "zombie apocolypse" went down
  15. If i carry lots of cash I carry it next to "the goods" I never misplace it
  16. your the fucking man!
  17. kev i have a verbal appt with a well known artist out of NY. I hope he is just one of many traveling to austin in january
  18. I heart smelly people
  19. I am not a smart guy but wasnt this a result of the de-regulation of the housing market essentially giving bank credit for giving risky loans?
  20. got rib/belly/stomach area done yesterday will post pics when Its healed
  21. I find it hard to tell exactly what occupy wallstreet protestors are after. I get the impression that they are not happy with goverment corruptness but want their corrupt goverment to get bigger and take care of more social issues. I dont know how making a corrupt goverment bigger helps the problem. Goverment picking winners(essentially what happened with stimulas/bailouts) threatens free trade. Also goverment is essientially a business. It is a bad business that cant run in a surplus and doesnt invest well.(see stimulas dollars to no defunct green businesses.) Social security is a joke, how do people in their 20s-30s expect to get a return? I also think this has caused an entitlement issue in America. Forcing people to invest in markets(401k) is another way to link politics to wallstreet. How many people wish they could invest in commodities.PMs or real estate instead of mutual funds. I am a registered Independant, that wishes we could downsize goverment keep social programs in place but instead of creating wards of state we could put people in a position through education and training to once again become independant and not rely on goverment to save for their future or put food on their table. Its time Americans fought for their place again and not be complacent to scrape by on goverment funded programs such as medicare or social security.
  22. just did 4 hrs on ribs/belly. I got raw and towards the front of ribs I had some involuntary flinching or contracting but I think it was more of a tickle reflex. Still it was not pleasant like my arm
  23. tell him to make a drive mason or flatmore are within reason distance wise
  24. Scott R

    The List

    thanks for sharing I am not familiar with some of those so I will get to googling. my short list is. James spencer briggs valerie vargas scott sylvia tim hendricks ben grillo (just added to my list 30 minutes ago, Liked his stuff alot but just saw a rosary that made me poke myself in the eye) stewart robson robert pho thomas hooper
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