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Posts posted by jen7

  1. He's a sweetheart. Loved the shop, too. The guys were in good form. :)


    What is his wait list like? Would like a koi from him sometime.

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  2. Planning a skull tattoo this summer, but cannot decide whether to go ribs or thigh with it. I think but don't know for sure that I can take the discomfort of a rib piece.

    Any advice appreciated!

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  3. hubby doesn't 'get' tattooing but he is tolerant of mine. I do kind of mourn the fact that I can't relate on this level to my SO but it is what it is. I don't 'get' video games so I guess we're even LOL

    I actually have plans to get a skull tattoo this summer with a dear friend and have not yet worked up the nerve to confess to my spouse. I feel weird about it.

  4. I am biggish - fat enough that when I have my arms at my sides I have some small rolls along the sides of my back.

    I am due to start a back piece next month and have stressed for a year over the big reveal and whether the artist (a famous one) will be put off and not want to do those areas.

    Just plowing through the feelings now and hoping for the best.....this thread is a comfort to me.

    Hoping the artist doesn't flinch......

  5. Nope, but I am of the mechanical flavor.

    Things mostly changed for the better....lots of the factory floor folks saw me as much more approachable and I made a lot of new friends. To be honest it was nerve wracking to deal with management that day....though no one said anything. I'm in my 40s with 25 years experience in my field, so I dare them to say anything!

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