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jen7 last won the day on March 24 2015

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  1. If eye rolling means upset in your world, no wonder you are so jacked up dude.
  2. I am not upset, get over yourself.
  3. Sorry, the black and grey realism guy I use is apparently a prima donna so....
  4. My back healed completely in 10 days. My leg is 2 weeks out and still in a brutal peel.
  5. Oh dear, have I been repeating myself? Sorry [emoji45]
  6. I once was at a party and approached a local tattoo artist with the intention of asking if she was interested in doing my next piece. She asked to see my tattoo, which I was aware was lame as I was just starting out. When she saw it, she turned around and walked away without saying a word. I was pretty bummed. Later when she did my sleeve I mentioned to her what had happened years before and made the point that everyone has to start somewhere.
  7. The sharpies sound like a nice idea since they are useful and hard to find as you say. I would plan to cash tip on top though.....i have given a gift once but my standard large tip was also offered and accepted at the same time. My gift was maple syrup, since I live where it is made and cheaply available but costs a fortune where the tattoo was done.
  8. Love that bee!
  9. Today I felt like puking for the first time. It wasn't pain though, it was from drinking and then lying back down on my right side all twisted. Boy that did not feel good for a couple of hours.
  10. Just got to the hotel from the studio. Planning to add to sleeve out the calf. Looking for ideas. Shane O'Neill at Infamous Tattoo. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  11. The body pain from laying all twisted is godawful! About 5 or 6 hours in now. Hitting the iced tea and trail mix now. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  12. Getting a calf piece in Delaware today Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  13. Thanks! Help those kids... There are far too many unfortunately. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  14. Nice one! I am also going for the outer calf. I would like a skull and some maple leaves. We are going to see what we can accomplish in one day so it may not turn into a sleeve unless I make another trip. I have been working with this artist on my back tattoo for a couple of years now but this was my last planned trip (8 hour drive). I leave in the morning! I decided on a barn owl because they are nocturnal and symbolize secrets. As a survivor of significant child abuse those two concepts have a lot of meaning for me. This is a tattoo of ownership of my past. I plan an upward facing koi sleeve for when I have progressed enough in therapy that my flashbacks stop. That will be a triumphant tattoo.
  15. Thanks. The editor liked my book, so he asked me to write something for this one.
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