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Posts posted by DavidR

  1. My favourite celebrity tattoo is the one Charlie Roberts did on Janet Jackson. She has this tattoo on her hip, where her knickers are, of Minnie Mouse giving Mickey Mouse head. Charlie told us he saw her clunge after he did the tattoo, as well. Badass. Never seen a picture of the tattoo, but I don't even think I need to for that to be my favourite.

    I realise I'm quoting a four year old post here but when I read that, I thought clunge was a verb. I was like "How does one clunge?"

    I'm amazed that after 48 years on the planet, I'm still learning new ways to say vagina. Ham wallet was another recent addition. Again, courtesy of this board. It really is very enlightening on so many levels.

  2. One of the things I liked about this forum when I joined was that there were relatively few threads considering the amount of content on here, in contrast to others forums I've used. A lot of the longest-running threads on this board contain a ton of fascinating knowledge and first-hand experience from members, collectors and tattooers alike, who've come and gone, and when an old thread gets dug up and bumped to the top, to my mind it's a welcome chance to read through the archives. Trawling through pages of the Latest Tattoo Lowdown thread, the What Makes A Good Tattoo thread, etc etc blew my mind as a newbie.

    For what it's worth, my experience of this board has been the same as yours. I learned more about tattoos, tattooers, my role as a client, styles, what makes a good tattoo (and a bad one), and what I want in terms of my tattoos from reading four threads on this board than I had in weeks of flailing about on the internet. When I do finally get inked, I know that the quality of work I get and my satisfaction with it will be vastly improved by having found this board.

    I too like to see old threads resurrected when the new post continues that thread. When the new post does not fit perfectly then I prefer to see a new thread lest the old one get sidetracked. Having said that, I feel that tattooing is a topic with depth but not a whole lot of breadth; it doesn't need that many threads and I think the board is the better for it. I do not feel that this board has a lot of threads and I find things easy to find. The search function could be better but that's the case for the search function on every board I've ever frequented.

    While I'm new, it does feel like the board is undergoing a population explosion at the moment and a lot of new threads are being created by newer members. Maybe the guidance that all new members are given as part of the registration process could point them to a sticky listing the high-traffic threads and some guidance as to which thread common post-types are best suited to.

    TL;DR: Don't start a new thread unless you absolutely must.

  3. Hi Dario and welcome to LST.

    It may or may not have a meaning. Even if it does have a meaning, it may only have a meaning to the person wearing it.

    A lot of people that are new to tattoos try to cram as much "meaning" as possible into their designs. I certainly fell into that category when I first started thinking about getting tattooed. It's a great way to tie yourself in knots and in the end, you often end up with a really contrived idea. Hanging around here taught me something really important: tattoos don't have to have meaning. Once I realised that, I started thinking about designs just because I liked them.

    Contrived tattoo with meaning: I want a tree with the names of my kids hidden in the bark and instead of fruit, I want pink diamonds hanging from it to represent my mum and dad and I want one of the diamonds to be crying because my dad's dead.

    Non-contrived tattoo without meaning: I want an eagle!

  4. @jen7 I just saw your back piece in the latest tattoo lowdown thread. I thought you said you were fat ;-)

    My $0.02:

    Our body image problems are just that: ours. We don't see ourselves the way others do and they don't see us the way we do. I'm a stay at home dad and the people I spend my time with are all women. If I ever wrote a blog, it would be called "Drinking Coffee With Other Mens' Wives." They're all in their thirties, fourties and fifties and they all have kids. I think they're all gorgeous but I know they wouldn't agree with me. I often joke with them that I have low standards because to me, all a woman needs is good personal hygiene and a smile.

    For my part, I'm 6'2" tall (good) and weigh 280lbs (not so good). I'm pear shaped so while I have broad shoulders, I have an ass the size of Venus and a gut you could surf. Even when I lost 77lbs a couple of years ago (all since regained), I still had to buy my trousers from the right-hand end of the rack. It's not the body I'd choose but my friends all love me.

    Love the skin you're in and get tattoos if that's what you want. Don't reward yourself for losing weight; most diets fail and what good does it do to deny yourself something that makes you happy? Get them now; you might get hit by a bus tomorrow.

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