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Everything posted by Gingerninja

  1. I had my inner thigh done this week. Didn't feel a thing. Butt still ranks up at the top for pain.
  2. Oh, no! Trust your artist on this one. S/he did a great job initially, so let it heal for a few months at least then see what can be done.
  3. IMO, a 15 minute smoke break every hour is excessive... If you like his work and want to continue working with him, I'd find a way to say something. It's not like you don't want to pay for his time. Like @Hogrider, said it also means that you have to get back to your happy place. Express your concerns in a nice way. Every two hours should be sufficient. :)
  4. Dan - very cool, indeed. @Dan I would love to see more...it is definitely smooth! @Matej Haviar
  5. Nice! You did it. Happy healing! @Jkeith Post photos when you can. Cheers!
  6. Gingerninja


    Welcome! Pull up a chair and sit a while. What type of tattoos do you have?
  7. That's some good karma. I bet you had to try to control yourself from totally geeking out!
  8. Hey there! Welcome. Have you considered an image that represents the text? Pictures speak a thousand words....just a thought.
  9. I have not, @joycevanl. Have you checked their website?
  10. I've noticed bumps that I would swear weren't there before a tattoo but in reality, they were. Let it heal. :)
  11. Hey there....leave it alone, no poking or prodding by you or anyone else. :) Most likely will eventually go away. Give it a month or so. Your skin has been traumatized (just the nature of tattooing), so getting a bump is not anything to freak out on.
  12. Here's my healed mini-eagle from Grez... His name is Greagle. :) Coverup of a really, really bad tattoo...
  13. @Hogrider Damn, you did go through it! I agree that attitude is so important. I went as far as getting a PMA tattoo, so there's a constant reminder to carry on! @Devious6 You know how I feel. Volk Principle all the way!
  14. So, I met with my doctors. I think that I'm going to do some sort of radiation treatment, either Gamma Knife or Cyber Knife. I need to met with the next round of doctors. @pidjones - Most likely she and I both have the same type of tumor! It's called an acoustic neuroma and supposed to be rare (1 in a 100,000) but I seem to be finding a lot of people who have/had one. I can write off the hearing in my left ear (it's basically gone anyway) but I am tripping over the possibility of facial paralysis and mobility issues. That being said, I'm in a good place. It is what it is....I'll make the best of whatever gets thrown my way! I very much appreciate the support. :) I'm taking 2018 off from tattoo's to save money for my surgery/treatments. This stuff ain't gonna be cheap even with good insurance!
  15. You are a gentleman, Mark (and well trained). :) @Devious6
  16. Big day today. I have my first specialist appointment for my brain tumor (acoustic neuroma). Hopefully, I will be able to get some direction on whether I can do radiation instead of full on surgery. I am totally getting a ray gun tattoo if I do radiation!
  17. And I am the old lady at 54. Welcome!!
  18. Thank you all for your service. Here's my dad...I miss him!
  19. Such a super cool idea for your amrpits. Congrats and happy healing! @bongsau
  20. That's totally going to be worth it. Find your happy place!
  21. Breathe. You got this! What are you getting? @Jkeith
  22. That spot was so odd for me @kingpinsbarber. Not only did it sting, it felt like they were tattooing a place somewhere on my head, not my neck/spine.
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