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Everything posted by Gingerninja

  1. This should most likely go in the Ladies Thread...I cannot wait to shave. This summer has been the summer of the post tattoo, healing, hairy legs. I am blonde so it is not overwhelming visible but if the light hits just right, it's so furry.
  2. OMG...I am so sorry to read your post and feel like sh1t that I didn't respond sooner. My thoughts are with you! Our little Boston was given a year with two different cancer's LAST year and he's still going strong. Thinking of you. @Synesthesia
  3. One thing not to worry about is "being unique"....unless you or your artist just rips off another persons work, your tattoo will be unique. The classics are the classics for a reason. Have you considered a Battle Royale? A bit of a different take on the meanings but could be cool (do an internet search). Or if you are religious, maybe a Rock of Ages. I am throwing some classic ideas out just for fun. What style are you considering?
  4. Em is amazing. I'd love to get something from here. Also BJ Betts and Big Meas (if you are in the States).
  5. I am less than two months out from Rubendall to work on my right leg. No real plan...pretty much gonna turn him lose.
  6. Hey Kaizu, Welcome. Here's my two cents and I'm not trying to be a downer, so please take my opinion in the right way. This is way too much. Unless you have someone who KILLS lettering, you won't be happy. Has your artist seem your idea? I would invite you to consider going with maybe one or two of those words that mean the most then put the rest of the meaning into an image. Think about why those words resonate with you and how you landed on this idea. Cheers!
  7. As a former professional archaeologist, yeah...whatever floats your boat. I think that see she's more than a little obsessed with the guy. 🙂
  8. The way the last week or so went, MY luck would be that I'd click on a link and get owned. 🙂 @JAC1961
  9. Hummm….I am always wary of anything that says "click me".
  10. That's a very cool tattoo @tertia I really, really like it!!
  11. Hey Wolf, Welcome...put up a chair and stay a while. Sorry to hear about your less than ideal experience. In the seven years that you weren't tattooing, were you getting tattooed?
  12. Yep...I see exactly the spot you are referring to. It's awesome. If anyone other than you wife was looking at it that closely, then THAT would be an issue!
  13. Tell her it's the American Traditional version of shunga...
  14. Hey Allison, I think in summary, your tattoo looks good! There doesn't appear to be any scarring or blow out. It reminds me of the Fred Perry laurel which is cool. Happy healing! Cheers, Heather
  15. Okay, redacted. 🙂 It still doesn't look like a penis.
  16. Dude...it doesn't look like a penis. Slap your friend.
  17. Okay, did someone tell you that it looked like a penis or did you get the idea all by yourself?
  18. My two cents: if you have to think about anything this much, it is not a good idea. Hands are a big deal, no matter what the internet seems to say. Why not come clean with your parents? That seems t be the logical first step.
  19. Nice meeting you, too @Bearcat78! You have an amazing collection that makes me swoon. 🙂
  20. It doesn't look scarred at all. Breathe. It's nice.
  21. Oh and tattoos are not fine art paintings, so get your expectations in line....:)
  22. Hey...it's doubtful that you can get either of those images on your upper back. Those are full back images, even simplified. No real way to estimate prices but you are looking at 60 hours (?), maybe more (?) of work. Any artist that can really pull that off is going to be expensive. Think thousands.
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