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Tim Burke

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Everything posted by Tim Burke

  1. Finally snagged a cancellation with Valerie Vargas for tomorrow, super super stoked. Getting an eagle on my arm (I had kind promised myself no more for a couple of months, but the twitter alert came through and I couldn't resist).
  2. Tim Burke


    by Chad Koeplinger at Frith St, 2011
  3. by Steve Vinal at The Family Business, 2011
  4. Tim Burke

    Tiger Kneecap

    by Mario Desa at Frith St, 2012
  5. @eisen777 That snake is fierce, love it!
  6. Being from the north east of England, I'm after a 'mam' tattoo one of these days ;)
  7. @Pablo I've been on Xam's list 14/15 months now. Getting the rest of my right arm done; so, elbow to shoulder. I'm getting a web on my elbow, skull with crown of thorns and a snake, clouds, lightning and a rose - something like that anyway. Then I really want a St. George and the dragon back piece... but that's getting ahead of myself at this point. @Dan S yeah, can't imagine having both knees healing at the same time being much fun... Sorry for all the OT stuff everyone who just wants to see people's latest pictures ;)
  8. @jade1955 that's awesome! @Pablo I stopped once really early in - weird dizzyness rather than feeling the pain was unbearable, not so bothered about that. Problem was just my leg moving all the time, nothing I could do about it though, my leg just had no interest in being there!! I agree, it came out great - which is a real credit to Mario, the main reason I mentioned it at all. Probably best to wait anyway due to money and hoping I'll get the call about sitting with Xam in the next couple of months. Oh, and I don't really fancy healing both knees at the same time :)
  9. @MadeIndelible This is a bit of a problem - I'd really like Mario to do the other, but honestly, I feel so bad about how I sat that it's a bit of an issue getting him to do the other. He was super good about it, I guess I'll leave it 'til his next trip and hope he doesn't mind.
  10. Going to go for a panther on the other but given how badly I sat for this one probably going to put it off for a while. Thanks for the positive comments and likes! @Pablo nope, first one on my legs - only a couple on my arm before this one.
  11. Maio Desa put this on my knee earlier, really happy with it! I'd love to say I sat well, but that's simply not true - not so much the pain, but had a dizzy moment early on and couldn't stop shaking my leg for most of it... Picture is from Mario's Instagram
  12. Gah! I was in the gym, missed them by like 20 minutes...
  13. I've always assumed that more often than not people go in with pictures of these tattoos rather than the people doing them trying to pass them off as their own designs - no real basis for that assumption mind. Either way, it's a weird thing to put in your portfolio...
  14. Xam, sometime next summer-ish (I'm about 10 months in to the waiting list) - Skull with crown of thorns and a snake, maybe a couple of other bits too depending on finances and what not at the time. Hoping to get a couple of bits at Smith St. when I go to New York for a friend's 30th next August. Also hoping to get more done by Chad Koeplinger, probably when he's back in London. Waiting for Valerie Vargas' waiting list to open up... which I guess may still probably put me in somewhere 2013.
  15. There are houses where I live in London that use swastikas as a religious blessing at the entrances during certain times of year - it's all about context, you'd have to be really narrow minded to read any Nazi connotation in to it given their decorative nature and the ethnic make up of those areas.
  16. In London: Frith St. Into You The Family Business
  17. I've thought about this - I have my right ditch tattooed and figured it'd make it more difficult to give blood/have tests etc. Do the more heavily tattooed folks here have problems with this? Unlikely I'll ever get my face/head tattooed. Everything else I guess is fair enough. Hands/neck a loooooooooong way down the line, if ever.
  18. @hogg those are both real nice, I have an odd gap between two tattoos I'm planning to get Xam to put a spider in once my appointment for something larger eventually rolls around.
  19. It goes without saying that Thomas Hooper is doing amazing things, but I'd love to be tattooed by Jondix - randomly would love to have my feet done by him. Don't really know where I'm going with the whole 'plan'. I have my right forearm tattooed and that's it, I know a lot you guys have loads more, but it's kind of fun thinking about what's out there.
  20. Thanks everyone, I'm really pleased with it and Chad's great, so fast! @jade1955 That Bert Krak piece is pretty much perfect, simple and really interesting. I was tempted to try get something from him or Boltz but resisted, got to save some money before my next! @Hrubarb I really like all those black and grey traditionals, the eagle in particular is really cool.
  21. Got this one 6/7 months ago from Steve Vinall at The Family Business. No real meaning behind it, just something that settled in my mind after moving to London last October.
  22. Got this one earlier, also from Chad at Frith St.
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