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Everything posted by MarvelAvengers

  1. MarvelAvengers


    Iron Man
  2. I went the superhero route not only because I like comics, but I felt that while some people be be anti-tattoo, how can you not like superheros. Typically if I'm wearing a tank top showing tattoos, it will be accompanied by superhero themed clothing along with my 2 young sons also wearing superhero themed clothes. I guess in my mind I feel more like a nerd than a thug. My last outing was at a 5K with the family and I had several people ask me about the tattoo and wanted to take pictures.
  3. Never been an issue. Typically asked for a ballpark amount just so I can make sure I bring enough cash being that most places don't like credit cards. Both of my big pieces came in under budget. Personally I avoid walk in shops due to fact I think they are less personally and in my opinion cater to exactly that the spontaneous crowd vs the collector crowd. I have found that getting appointments is the way to go and allows a relationship to be built. I think it's actually cheaper in the long run going by the hour.
  4. I have put much thought into this and the psychology and perception around tattoos and impressions that are made. I have to admit that I myself am somewhat judgment about placement in cases where content can be offensive. That being said, I feel the same way about offensive language on shirts etc... I myself do not get offended, as I was a Marine for 11 years and there is nothing I haven't heard before. But, I realize I share this earth and thing and there is a time, place, and audience for everything. Fair or not, it will limit employment opportunities and may deter customers so ultimately unless you own your own business it's a choice you have to live with. I have a few friends with many non traditional face piercings and neck tattoos that complain about not getting jobs. I don't know any of my Marine friends without tattoos. I made the mistake years ago of getting cheap tattoos with little meaning. I live in regret for many years until of a coverup. In the 20 years I never recalled 1 person commenting on it being cool or that they liked it. That being said. I think a high quality unique tattoo(s) with a thought of them will not make someone pass judgement as quick as bunch of unplanned themeless banger with awkward placement. Just my 2cents
  5. I don't think you can rule out allergic reaction either. I've seen similar pics of allergic reactions to tattoos
  6. I don't have a lot to compare it to because my last session, we used it once, but I don't think I needed it. This time around I would not have been able to finish without it. He sprayed it covered it with clear film for 10-15 minutes then started again. It definitely to the edge of but didn't last more than 15 minutes.
  7. To be honest I felt like I want to tap out a few times but didn't let him know. About 7 hours and 2 visocaine spray breaks to get through it
  8. This is hard for me to say, as I think the amount of time spent in an area can influence the tolerance. I just finished getting a back piece and he had to spend a significant amount of time shading near the center of my back and it sucked really bad.
  9. part 2 of of my Marvel Avengers themed tattoos by Clint Cummings. Still a bit swollen, but decent quality pic
  10. If faded mean better, then to each their own. I could see this logic with black and white tattoos, but for color most people would consider brighter and vivid to be better. At least for me, I have yet to see any before and after tattoo pic comparing fresh to healed in the same lighting that look better healed. I would love to see that if someone can past some pictures.
  11. The best your tattoos will ever look, is right after they are done. I am not a big fan of artist posting fresh tattoos, because they can look completely different in a month.
  12. most oils are hydrophobic and serve as better barriers than moisturizers. The give the illusion of being moisturized, but it's typically just resting on top of your skins. Water based products are best for true moisturizing but don't look as shiny. I have found that a good water based lotion allowed to penetrate followed by an oil based lotion 15 minutes later works best for me.
  13. Any tattoo will be due for a touchup in 30 years
  14. Regarding craters, I have found that what works best for me, is to keep the craters as dry as possible. Overall, during the first 2 days, I feel the less ointment the better. I use ointment but am sure to dab of any excess, so that my skin isnt shinny. Too much of any ointment in the first couple days runs risks ink loss. For the crates, I leave them clean dry. They still scab, but leaving them has worked as when they come of the color is still there.
  15. Don't know if I completely agree. Communication is important and you should ask questions. That being said. You should choose an artist based off their strengths and portfolio, and not expect too much if you want something outside their norm.
  16. Not trolling intended. I put the smiley at the end of my statement hoping to indicate a somewhat light hearted joke. My point was that for the amount of discussion focused on intellectual property of the art, there is little discussion revolving around having a tattoo that other people have. Considering that there are more collectors on this site than artist I figured that might turn the discussion focus onto the other side about not wanting to have the same common tattoo design as the next guy or girl.
  17. On this very forum, I've seen more black panthers than the 60's era civil rights movement. :D
  18. Dago has been a tattoo pioneer since 1974 and hasn't had a chance to change his shirt since.
  19. It does not work better or worse. Keep in clean, it's that simple. As for their barriers or lotions, same thing. Key is for the first 3 days to keep it clean and any ointment you put on it, make sure it's not on too thick as it can draw ink out. The reason there is so many methods and so many products, it because people overthink it. Simple care and common sense is the best product.
  20. But it can be covered with color. There is plenty of it under red and blue in mine. The new pigment mixes with the old, creating a darkershade of the new color. With the right design, colors are certainly an option. The fact that its not a recognizable shape and it's fading leaves plenty of options. If you wanted to cover it with something of the same size, I would agree , but I am saying that I could find 10 artist locally that could work with this with going black over it. I'm suggesting asking a reputable artist rather than be discouraged by an internet forum that wants to put a black panther head over everything. Will it be perfect? Probably not. Will You be able to notice some remnants of the old piece? Likely some, but you know it's there and where to focus. That being said, no reason to shy away, because the end product coverup done by a good artist will look better that what you are covering. Just do you homework and research the artists. Here are some examples of color over black
  21. I don't agree with having to go black I personally speak from experience than the design and coming up with something larger and detailed will work. Any artist experience with coverup a can do this. Any artist that say you have to go black over it is wrong. You can see my coverup in my gallery
  22. Thank you for the clarification, and sorry for the confusion. I corrected my post. I am still learning what's what.:D
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