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Everything posted by draven888

  1. === Tony Hu... Instagram... Instagram
  2. Tristen Zhang... Instagram Just completed... http://instagram.com/p/yS0EQuwuPl
  3. === Adding some humour here...
  4. === Tristen Zhang from Chronic Ink Tattoos... Tristen's Instagram... Instagram
  5. Thanks everyone! I'll post once it's fully healed... :)
  6. This is a Video we took of the arm before starting the last Session... Video before the Last Session... https://flic.kr/p/pT29Ft It was a great experience overall... :) Photo from Sessions 1 to 3 Dragon Tattoo In Progress with Tony Hu @ Chronic Ink - Toronto Ontario Canada by davidcwong888, on Flickr
  7. === Hi Everyone! Started this in Late October 2014 and just got it Finished on Jan 03 2015 6 Session of 4 Hours Each - Traveling back and forth from Montreal to Toronto... Tattoo Artist is Tony Hu from Chronic Ink Tattoos. http://instagram.com/tonyhutattoo Completed and Done! 龍 - Dragon by davidcwong888, on Flickr
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