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    xcom got a reaction from SeeSea in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Ran a 5K.
  2. Like
    xcom reacted to hogg in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Last night, I got to tour Ed Hardy's art studio. I saw countless pieces spanning five decades--everything from porcelain to flash to massive painted scrolls and more. I'm still trying to process everything; it was a truly incredible experience.
    So yeah. That's an awesome thing I did recently.
  3. Like
    xcom reacted to The Tig in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Granddaughter's 6th birthday party yesterday.

    We noticed that "Marshall" the mule next door was in distress. We found he had a 2 1/2" infected cut on his lower leg. The owners disappear for weeks at a time so we had to call the SPCA. The poor guy can barely walk and needs immediate medical care.

  4. Like
    xcom got a reaction from Boiled Dove in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Ran a 5K.
  5. Like
    xcom reacted to SeeSea in What do you use?   
    I will never smell Dial soap again and not think of healing a tattoo. Especially the joy of that first wash.
  6. Like
    xcom got a reaction from Michaelshane in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    Getting tattooed is not that bad, The healing its a bitch for sure.
  7. Like
    xcom reacted to RoryQ in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Tomo's new studio, Silk Needle, continues the Yellow Blaze tradition of being somewhat hard to find without GPS / phone map.
    The sign is 'blink and you'll miss it'.
    Nagaoka is a morning shinkansen's ride from Tokyo... 1.5 hours. The new studio is super comfy and Tomo seems to be planning a lot of conventions in Europe and Canada soon, he's energised.
    We did 5 hours, which finished off my front after (I think) 4 years and about six sessions? All in Japan bar one. My bank account is glad that's done.
    Drank some awesome Echigo beer on the way home and zoned out till I ate a restorative giant ramen. I lived on ramen this trip: All kinds! Soya base, extra fatty pork base, fish base... Cheap, tasty and hydrating.
    Flying home tomorrow but this morning I had a consult with Shige and, all going well, getting a small piece from him at a convention in Europe in next while.
  8. Like
    xcom got a reaction from The Tig in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Oct 1st, Imperial Tattoo Company, Jon West. Continuing work on my leg sleeve.
    Thinking of a sacred heart with some geo mixed in to it right on my knee, Also thinking to put an element touch of water, wind, and earth by adding my kids favorite animals.... So far I have the Owl. Next I know for sure a Shark and than Wolf?, Bear?, Lets see what the kids say :) ???
  9. Like
    xcom got a reaction from SeeSea in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Oct 1st, Imperial Tattoo Company, Jon West. Continuing work on my leg sleeve.
    Thinking of a sacred heart with some geo mixed in to it right on my knee, Also thinking to put an element touch of water, wind, and earth by adding my kids favorite animals.... So far I have the Owl. Next I know for sure a Shark and than Wolf?, Bear?, Lets see what the kids say :) ???
  10. Like
    xcom reacted to Tornado6 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Here's my Tim Beck iris. He's super tall, so this is a little wonky angle maybe, but he filled that weird spot just perfectly.
    Freedom Ink is a super cool shop, very chill, very neat, and we listened to Bowie all day.
    Oh, modesty napkin ;)
  11. Like
    xcom reacted to SeeSea in Officially inked   
    Ugh, the next post is a pic and a request for a cover-up. :-(
  12. Like
    xcom reacted to pidjones in Question on shoulder/muscle pain   
    More likely the positions you unconsciously put your body in due to favoring that side.
  13. Like
    xcom reacted to Margarita Yaschenko in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    i continued a tattoo on hip. it was hard :/ I waited this session two year and very happy now )
    It will be one tattoo in next time we connect these birds =)

  14. Like
    xcom reacted to MarvelAvengers in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I went in last night to fill in the last building on spidey, and the small empty gap on top of my shoulder was getting to him so we decided to put Wasp, Antman's wife, in the gap.
    Sorry for the redness.
  15. Like
    xcom reacted to Eevee in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    ^ great colours.
    I don't know if an Instagram link will work but this was my new little one from Wednesday
  16. Like
    xcom reacted to marley mission in Hey Last Sparrow   
    pics please - love fish tatts! have 3 myself :)

  17. Like
    xcom reacted to Joey Ryan in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got a few more hours in on my custom dragon chest piece! So close to being finished but so stoked on how it's come together.
    London Reese is a pleasure to get tattooed by. Very easy going and cool to talk to.
    The shop is great, everyone there is a really friendly, cool, and talented as hell.
    After this last session, I now understand why some people say the chest sucks.
    15hrs down so far, only a little bit more to go.

  18. Like
    xcom reacted to joakim urma in Getting tattoed at a convention - safe or not?   
    Never thought of it this way. I've had 9 sessions on conventions in total. Reputable artists will make sure everything is in order so don't worry about anything else than chosing the right artist for your tattoo
  19. Like
    xcom reacted to bongsau in July 2015 Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    Shao Lin Monk backpiece
    made by Steve Batt in his private studio in Edmonton, Alberta
    32 hours, Dec 2014-Jun 2015
  20. Like
    xcom reacted to rufio in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    I call dibs on all your tattoos when u might meet someone either above or below
  21. Like
    xcom reacted to SeeSea in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Final healed pics. Amazed and still hard to believe that I get to wear this art. I now travel with over a dozen of my underwater photographs designed into this awesome scene by Sean Zee Instagram

  22. Like
    xcom reacted to marley mission in What do you think of pocket watches?   
    sol you're overthinking this - who cares who likes it - if its trendy blah blah
    you need to like it - thats it
    get what you get
    but dont get upset
  23. Like
    xcom got a reaction from Kingdomhearts25 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    First Session 8hrs. All done.
    Tony Wayne from Imperial Tattoo Company.

  24. Like
    xcom reacted to marley mission in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Pharaoh's Horses by Sheila Marcello @ Electric Tattoo in Asbury Park
    they had a traditional flash weekend event @ the shop
    as I was getting tattooed by Sheila I was a few feet away from Bert Krak and Robert Ryan doing pieces
    there was many other big names there as well - place was packed
    seeing Bert up close I couldnt believe how big the guy is - he looks like he could suit up for the NY Giants if he wanted
    very cool vibe at this shop though I would say I prefer less of a crowd
    pic is shiny - meh

  25. Like
    xcom reacted to marley mission in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    here is a better pic - one that Sheila took - along with some others she did yesterday

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