I think I understand what @Rad Kelham is saying. It is somewhat of a turn down that this forum is not more open to more different styles other than Traditional. Let me elaborate. You dont get much conversation going on the neo trad, newschool, or the artist that execute them.. etc... When you do, it gets shutdown with allot of "That is not going to last" blah blah blah. Instead of looking a bit further out to the details and recognizing good art or even saying how well it got executed or not or what ever... Most of the time is just gets ignored or gets nowhere or even turns in to a bad thread... I am not saying this true for most users but the majority, specially does who allot of users look up too...
I tell you that is not my ignorance that does not allow me to like Traditional, But my personality and who I am that does not allow me to like it. I cant illustrate a traditional tattoo for the life of me, Maybe a neo trad but I would really have to like it and the person doing it I have to be very confident on them... Yes I have learned allot about traditional tattoos here and out side of here but I cant for now illustrate one.
I like the style that fits me and I will continue to collect them from the artists that I like, Is it trendy? who cares, it fits me. :D
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+1 this, We need more of this around here :)