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Everything posted by xcom

  1. Take it easy and try to rest. I had my calf blasted and what has work for me is sleep facing down. I usually sleep well after my tattoos but I know that there is a few time were some spots just hurt too much. Ice, Tylenol, and relax bro.
  2. LOL! You should make a followup one with "The Pros and Cons of Running with your toothbrush in your mouth"
  3. I wonder.... @peterpoose how did your session on your foot was like? :D I am looking about 6 to 8hrs. Not sure yet.
  4. My mom is not yours - A story about your mom.
  5. I had the opposite side of the ankle blasted in my first session and it healed well, It just took the longest to heal. - - - Updated - - - My whole foot is going to get blasted, even my toes. Will let you know how it will feel like in 2 weeks. Not looking forward to it but I am excited :D
  6. Just my 2c, I always wait for the question "What is your budget" and my answer is the same "none... I am open to get this piece done" which is 98% of the time followed by the artist hourly rate.. I want the best art been performed with no restriction and definitely I don't want to be the cause of what I want to be restricted by myself... After that I than proceed to budget the hours I can afford at the time. BUT When in doubt, I ask :)
  7. Well today is my 1st day after my last night session. 9hrs. Fuck I am hurting today. It hurts all the way down to the bone.
  8. Follow your artists advice. I usually go after I am done healing but that depends on the area as well.
  9. This is exactly how I meet the artist that is working on my leg right now. I knew what I wanted so I had my eye out for the style on the last expo I went. Its definitely the best way.
  10. So I guess I didnt learned my lesson last session I did... LOL I walked in to the shop and told my artist that I wanted my ankle blasted like a boss... He chuckle and proceeded to tell me the pros and cons about that area. At the end we went above of the ankle bone rather than on the ankle it self for better placement and flow. Holly mother shit batman! It is painful to no end. I took the pain and was able to deal with it but shit man the ankle just hurt. Next stop the foot. /face palm... :eek:
  11. Any body is going to be up at the Alamo City Tattoo Show in San Antonio this year? It goes from June 12 to the 14th.
  12. The owl I am going for will be B&G with colored eyes just like the posted pic.
  13. Next session (4th) coming up this Monday. Imperial Tattoo Company (Jon West). Will also have a consultation with Tony Wayne.
  14. Can you share the link? HAHAHA JK! LOL I couldn't stop laughing when I read this! Thanks for the laugh.
  15. xcom

    drunk and stuck

    @polliwog, By the way that really sucks that you got stuck in LAG. Out of all places LAG.. :/
  16. xcom

    drunk and stuck

    @polliwog, I finally got to Canada the next day. I was hammered to no end... All hotels where booked and the one they finally gave me was about 15min away from home. The airport shuttle me to the hotel and then I called the wife to come pick me up. Nothing better than home sweet home. Got to Canada yesterday and had an amazing steak dinner. Today I am touring the new office and than I am hitting up Montreal. Lots of people at work and the hotel staring at my tattoos, Its some what funny :)
  17. at the airport for 9hrs. I am starting to buzz hard.
  18. I can't see anything on your post. Is it me?
  19. You got it. WoW that sure does looks painful I seen people cry from nose piercing. Take care.
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