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Everything posted by xcom

  1. Ha! Thanks for the explanation @pidjones. :D
  2. @pidjones, I am a bit lost... LOL I know they mean different things but did I typo something? I know I put "Pixels to the unknown" but Couldn't find a word for an abstract pixel. Than I explain and put "Pixelated" past tense I know :D English is not my first language :P
  3. @Ducky15568 and @jen7, Thanks. Not your typical traditional tattoo.... Is a bit different... I got a few PM's asking me what was the meaning. It's a representation of the fascination I have with space and science fiction. Its pixelated to represent a bit of my passion for abstract art.
  4. As promised. This is the second session of 4. We will finish the pixels, planets, and the galaxies on the next session. Pixels in the unknown.
  5. So I heard. There is a video of hopper tattooing oliver pecker's palm and he does seem in heavy discomfort.
  6. Wooha! Today I did 6 and 1/2 hours. Did very well with the pillow! Shop was quiet. I had good music, machines where turning and ink was splattering! Over all the best session I had so far. I was able to meditate and do some heavy concentration. :D
  7. Just came back from a 6 and 1/2 hr session. Time to get some proteins in my belly. Pics coming up soon.
  8. Awesome! I am planning to attend next year. :D
  9. I been getting back in shape, I am going Free diving/Spear fishing this summer @ Puerto Rico.
  10. @tattoos by olivia, I am not sure if you can upload pics before you hit your 10 posts... But if you cant try a service like photobucket.com PM me if you need help. Good luck o and welcome to LST.
  11. Analyze your above sentence. I am not trying to shut you down nor discourage you from keep trying to find your answers but bashing around is not going to help you. Take care and God Bless.
  12. silentspring, I sympathize with you, I have had family member with cancer before and a close friend of mine, his wife battle breast cancer 3 times. But I am not understanding the ink issue. Nobody in this thread mention (quote me if I am wrong) that the issue is or was the ink.
  13. Amen to that. My early tattoos are now becoming cover ups and while I don't regret them, Is just not the style I am in too now.
  14. Yes, I play the original X-COM back in 95 or so, on my dads computer loading 5 1/2" floppy's..... :D Though my handle came from my brother who went by that handle way before the game came out.
  15. Kids are awesome :D My kids did the same... There was times where they would stare at it and ask .... Dad can I touch your dragon? And the would poke at it as if it was really alive. :) LOL :D
  16. For those who have kids and have tattoos... Do your kids have interest on tattoos? What do you tell them about your tattoos when they ask? All of my kids are old enough to be curious about my tattoos... While I don't tell them to go run and get tattoos, I do support them when they say "I want a tattoo when I am old enough like you dad". The only rule I keep telling them is... The day you are ready.... I am coming with you! AND never get a tattoo from a friend at their house!!! I also advice them of them on what could be a life changing decision. My oldest is 13 and he is an artist. He loves drawing and he is pretty skilled. My oldest went to my first back session because he wanted to see what it was like... A few hours later he told me he wanted to be a tattoo artist or a DJ, or.... You know kids... LOL As a father I support my kids 100% but it is my duty to guide them along the way....
  17. My 2nd back session starts tomorrow. We are going to fill up the center spine and move on to the the neck and than to the other shoulder blade... Damn I am excited... :D
  18. You are my hero! :D Now put some color in that master piece, you can do it! (Rob Schneider line) Awesome work!
  19. xcom


    Welcome to LST.
  20. That's the same day I go in for my second session for my sleeve :D
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