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xcom last won the day on November 23 2016

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    Your mom and Tattoos

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  1. Its been a while. Just got this about a week ago.
  2. My latest addition to my leg sleeve. Sacred Heart by Jon West.
  3. Agreed. It was one of those spontaneous tattoos and didnt prep right. I think that was miy biggest mistake. I would of use saniderm my self but I just didnt plann this one :D
  4. @BrickyOdin cool work you got going on there! As for my self, I am going through a tough time with my knee. So far it has been my roughest healing. I am on day 8 and finally the knee feels some what normal.... There is a quite a bit of scabbing even though I did my best to avoid it (lots of good cleaning, etc...) Knee sucks... Worst than my foot for sure.
  5. Lots of sacred geo (Whole Leg) And Geo Animals. Also have a space them throw ought my right arm (Half sleeve) and my back (top half).
  6. +1 this. Something different. :)
  7. Got this one last Monday. By Jon West
  8. Well said. Thanks for sharing! - - - Updated - - - That's right just chill it will all be fine. ;)
  9. @AuntTudie, As @Synesthesia mentioned I am not sure you will get a response form any body out side the collectors "realm" But as a collector my self one thing I am aware is the ink the artists use. When I am collecting a piece from an artist I ask a few questions just like he asks me questions... One of those questions I ask is the type of ink the artists prefers to use. Most good artists stick to what is known... Inks I am experience with on my own skin from different artists is: Eternal Ink. Fusion Ink. and recently Empire Inks. I think there is others that are good but I am more comfortable knowing what my skin does good with. Edit: This is a good topic if directed to those who collect and not to an artist.
  10. Jan 15th (Tentative) Sacred Heart on Knee. Jon West Imperial Tattoo Company. Feb 15th (Tentative) Add more to my half sleeve. Tony Wayne Imperial Tattoo Company.
  11. I like the cat all over the "sterile" "product" :confused:
  12. My latest addition to my leg sleeve (on the works). By Jon West @ Imperial Tattoo Company. Knee is next with a sacred heart and than to tie it all together.
  13. Fun one indeed! Ill post it tomorrow. Just haven't had time.
  14. By Jon West @ Imperial Tattoo Company.
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