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Posts posted by Tornado6

  1. I don't remember exactly what was on the form, but the Yes and No overlapped on the electronic one I had to do, so I clicked Yes for everything :o

    I had to ask my husband about this topic. I thought he didn't really care, but now I know. He really doesn't care one way or the other about my tattoos. He said sitting through the one he came along for was kind of neat, and kind of boring. I know he'll never get a tattoo, or ride a roller coaster, or enjoy swimming in the ocean. So I do that stuff on my own or with my son.

  2. I thought I was taking a break, but then a guy I really admire came to town. He had an open spot and I got another tattoo. Now that tattoo has started a themed collection, so I'm trying to plan the next one.

    Honestly, I've thought about some of these tattoos since I was a teenager. I just didn't get them for twenty-five years.

  3. I am usually not putting it on my healed tattoo specifically, but I always do my legs and shoulders after a shower. That's pretty much going to hit my tattoos. I'll be the same way with sunscreen in the summer.

    I use the plain Aveeno and Aquaphor for a healing. I used a little coconut oil at the end of the latest one when I ran out of unscented lotion. I didn't sprout trees or anything.

  4. Everybody on my floor at work knows about my tattoos. I went with my son when he got his, so they all joked about me getting one too, and sure enough I did! My VP asked to see that one. My manager asked about the most recent one last week. I'm not sure how she even heard about it. They're all covered at work, but they're apparently not too secret.

  5. I'm moving onto my lady arms! Right before everybody puts up their Friday the 13th stuff, I hit a guest artist coming through town :)

    Hoping to start a themed collection on my left arm, with Talley Matthews, on Friday.

    Hubs is coming to the shop with me, but he's got an important shooting match on Saturday, so I know he won't be getting tattooed.

  6. Do you typically shave that part of your body, and if so, how does it react?

    I'd say if you know it is going to be an issue, you can always ask what the artist would prefer. If you have a routine that you know will work better than a dry shave at the shop you might be better of doing it at home.

  7. All right @Tornado6 when you going into a shop to talk to someone?

    I just started getting tattooed in November, and I want to get a few more small tattoos before I start on this project. I think it will be my biggest piece, and I'll have to fit it in to the budget with some upcoming travel plans. We're doing trips to SD and Chicago this year, and then to the Grand Canyon in 2017. The big tattoo might be next fall's project.

    I'd just love to have Alice Carrier do it. She's not doing multi-session work on travelers and PDX is just so far from here.

  8. Maybe what your eye is registering as "masculine" is clunky tattoo design and placement? And wanting something "feminine" has something to do with more harmonious body/tattoo flow? Idk...shot in the dark...

    The bird on my left leg is just a tattoo sitting on my leg. The botanical on my right leg twists around my ankle bone and makes a very graceful little start towards the top of my foot. I know that gender adjectives are clunky, but honestly, the first thing I said when I sat up and saw it colored was, "Oh, it's so girly!" I love both of them, but I have a clear example of the aesthetic difference on my own body.

    I am not sure if a composed half sleeve is the correct place for this tattoo. I know the shape of the item I want tattooed fits that part of the body, but I don't know if the shape fits a woman's body. I have a feeling that a hard cut off at the elbow is less flowing than I'd like for it to be, but I know that's where the artist makes all the difference.

    There are a lot of pictures of tattoos that don't even register if the wearer is male or female, and lots of suggestive pictures of tattooed girls. I love seeing the pieces in this thread. You're all "real people" and you're posting real world images instead of magazine shoots. I won't be seeing many upper arms in person until about May. We're all in sweaters right now.

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