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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Saw "50/50" the other day-really nice movie about friendship with some funny bits and some sad bits as well. Not really anything terribly deep about it, even though if deals death and dying, but that was kind of nice for a change.
  2. "Fundamentally, tattooed people, your responses were those of a group reveling in its own perceived victimization." Isn't his ENTIRE article exactly that? I mean that, and another obvious grab at more site hits.
  3. Damn tattooed internet people you scary. I sort of expected her to mention something about some of those emails supporting her position. Instead she took the "they all ganged up on me" approach.
  4. GREAT response: Sometimes Sweet: Why Yes, I Will Put a Bumper Sticker on this Ferrari: An Open Letter to Lisa Khoury
  5. More like you have a choice between an awesome local coffee shop that cares about it's customers, does incredible things with site-roasted coffee beans, and knows your name vs. Starbucks because it's fast, you look bougie carrying the cup, and random celebrities get coffee there. I'd like to credit Louis CK for this brilliant analogy @ 5:56 (*Language, so use headphones); check out parts 2 and 3, too :
  6. So many brilliant insights: "An elegant woman does not vandalize the temple she has been blessed with as her body. She appreciates it. She flaunts it. She's not happy with it? She goes to the gym. She dresses it up in lavish, fun, trendy clothes, enjoying trips to the mall with her girlfriends. She accentuates her legs with high heels. She gets her nails done. She enjoys the finer things in life, all with the body she was blessed with. But marking it up with ink? That's just not necessary."
  7. I miss being 21 and knowing everything. Why Put a Bumper Sticker on a Ferrari
  8. *I deleted what I wrote here because I'm making an effort to be more positive = P
  9. I realized while listening to Om this morning that these guys are tapped into that same frequency that Higgs is on. Also, good music for fog shrouded hillside views:
  10. I guess I should clear up that the giveaway shirts are the "Matrix" and "Tag" designs in three different colors.
  11. Those trainers are full of crap. Honestly, it takes TONS of calories to get 'weight lifter' big It's why I can deadlift/ squat over 300 pounds, bench over 250, and military press over 150, I'm only 160 on a heavy day. That's with creatine and 3 whey shakes a day plus regular breakfast/ lunch/dinner. Machines are fine to get down form, but your 'helper' muscles will start to suffer because you're not using them for balance. ex: a bench machine will only engage your upper pecs and some tricep; bench press engages that plus the rest of your arm, lower pec, and core. Sounds like you're on the right track though.
  12. I tell you the one bonus of paleo for me is it reintroduced me to the sweet potato. I'd always been a fan of the Mexican pan dulce empanadas that had sweet potato and pumpkin filling, but I'd never eaten them on their own. Now I'm all about them mashed w/ pecans and maple = P
  13. I did paleo for a few months-cut deep, but couldn't get any sort of gains going as far as body weight and fat free mass. Now I'm doing simple carbs post workout (fruit/juice) and brown rice, oats, and flax every now and then. I'm all about pushing myself as far as I can go strength-wise, with looks being secondary. That being said, I wouldn't want to spend lots of money on great tattoo work if my body looked like crap. You can spray paint a turd gold, but you still got a turd when you're finished. If you're in better shape, everything about you should age better, including your skin/tattoos. My two cents.
  14. Reverse pyramid with utilizing the four basic compound exercises (I call them the Core). I do a workout, then one rest day, with the exception of legs and back, where I rest two days. I supp creatine, whey protein, and alot of food Legs: Squat- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 reps starting with heaviest Leg Extension 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Calf Raise 3 sets 5/6/7 Chest: Benchpress- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Incline Benchpress- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Cable Flies- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Back/bi: Deadlift 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Bent Row 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Weighted Pull-up 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Shoulders/tri: Military Press 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Shrugs 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Lateral dumbbell raises 3 sets @ 4/5/6
  15. TEE GIVEAWAY: 10 random winners will receive a FREE Matrix or Tag shirt + sticker pack today. Just REPOST/RETWEET this to Facebook/Twitter/Instagram to enter- GOOD LUCK! (also "like" the Facebook page so I can keep up with who's doing what FallingApartArt on Facebook
  16. Not really a myth or misconception, but evidently chemicals that are okay in inks in the States are not okay in the EU: Intenze Tattoo Ink recall Murray Sell posted a link to this on his Instagram and I thought it was interesting.
  17. Wrap that sucker and you should be fine in that area. Your own sweat/bacteria isn't the issue (IMO)- it's freaking MSRA and various crap other people get everywhere :shudder:
  18. Check Chad Koeplinger's Instagram from this morning, Tatstrodamus
  19. My ex and I are big proponents of midwifery, doulas, and natural birth options. Both of our daughters were born in hospitals, but those hospitals were natural birth friendly and let us have our doulas throughout the process. Awesome news and congratulations to your family!
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