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Everything posted by Kev

  1. I feel like I play a lot and still can't earn enough to get more colors :(
  2. Unfortunately not- the film fest was pretty pricey and packed. Also, most of the screenings were during work :(
  3. Will definitely try that for bench-any tips for strength the bottom portion of squats?
  4. That got great reviews when they premiered it here last week at SXSW- I am also intrigued.
  5. Says who? When I get www.nudetattooeddude.com going I'm thinking full return on investment!:cool:
  6. Thanks ya'll. I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to pack on some more weight to get those numbers up though. Gaining clean weight is pain.
  7. -Haidet/Nelligan/Ortega -Hundahl/Bryne/Chastain
  8. Okay, so we just finished maxes for this cycle- squat 285, bench 245, dead 345, and military 160 at 160lbs (I gained 5 pounds-yea!). We really focused this cycle on form and follow through, so we weren't seeing huge jumps in gains. One of the points my workout partner would like to work on is maintaining strength through full range of motion on squat (stronger at top than bottom of lift). I understand chains remedy this, but they're not an option at our commercial gym; I have to admit, I would love to bust them out. Any other exercises to work on this? We were thinking lunges or variants.
  9. Ezra Haidet and Cris Cleen. Although I've never been tattooed by him, I watched Joey Ortega tattoo a flower on my girl's hip and she was fine. This is a girl with hardly ANY pain tolerance, so he's got to be a light touch ;)
  10. Kev

    Walking Dead

    IDK why Rick felt like he had to defend his actions to the group- they all knew what was up. It ended up making him sound guilty/crazy.
  11. The three that sort of blend together: -My dad has a small hand-poked 't' on his forearm that was going to spell out his name, but he stopped before they got that far. he's always said he regretted it. -My grandpa has a bat flying past a full moon on his forearm and a few others, but the bat sticks out in my mind the most. -My barber (first haircut through the time he passed away when I was 18) was in the Navy and had old school anchors and eagles.
  12. "C'mon- a kitchen is as good as any tattoo shop!"
  13. Kev

    Walking Dead

    The comic has a bunch of different groups, but the series seems to want to go in a different direction. Unfortunately, that direction was pretty lame last season.
  14. Kev

    Walking Dead

    Not only that-where are the religious nuts? Where are the survivalists? Think about the reaction to 9/11 in this country and then multiple that by a million- pretty sure that's where this show needs to go. Everyone seems waaay too calm and sane with a bunch of dead people walking around. Also, there's some logical things they need to clear up: 1) The original walkers were dead first, not living- why aren't we seeing piles of decaying Walkers like Bicycle Lady from the first episode? 2) The showed Atlanta getting fire bombed by the military- why are there not more burned Walkers and stuff in general? 3) If they're going to pick a place to hole up, it would seem that they're better options than a farm house. That might have been an issue with the writers this season dragging their feet, trying to figure out how they were going to get good guy Rick to kill Shane. I still don't get why he was so conflicted about it. You might be my friend, but cross lines with my family and it's over. Everybody else who knew about the Shane/ Lori thing seemed fine about (except the old guy).
  15. Kev

    Walking Dead

    I feel like the writers are missing out on some interesting opportunities to show how people deal with trauma differently. There's this overall theme of fight or flight, but all the characters seem to either fall on the gungho Shane side or the orderly Rick side. I think that's why Daryl is so interesting to me, but I definitely think they could go to further extremes with that.
  16. Kev

    Art thread.

    This weekend's project:
  17. Tigers are so 2500 years ago: More pics here: Pazyryk Mummy Tattoos More info here:Pazyryk Mummies wiki
  18. Found the video on Reddit. There's all this disagreement about whether those people are actually hipsters or just 'young people'. Either way, I think it's a pretty well-shot video about a serial killer even if the song is meh.
  19. All I can say is "whoa" PS: No actual hipsters were harmed during the making of this video
  20. I think Thomas Hooper pretty much works off vague ideas and body parts-it seems like it would be pretty hard for a customer to just come up with something like that on their own.
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