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Everything posted by Kev

  1. This one comes up in all heavily tattooed people's conversation about most painful tattoo. So much so, that I'm set on having my back piece end at my waistband. I might look like I have flesh colored briefs on when it's all said and done, but I'm okay with that.
  2. Kentucky IS closer than LA ;) The praying hands on my ribs idea looks black and grey in my mind- just need to find the right person.
  3. Upvote for Chuey, Grillo, or Briggs. I wonder if Briggs travels
  4. Kev


    Just bought it- I better like it because you promised!;)
  5. Go to experienced tattooers like Stuart Cripwell. Not being facetious here- a good tattooer knows how much breathing room to give a tattoo.
  6. @Dan S- that fine line style is pretty big in England from what I can tell. My theory is it was Beckham that popularized it first with his fine line work. Mr. Cartoon tattooed over there recently: IDK, I see a lot of Russian "Mafya" tattoo motifs on this side of the world, but I think it's because none of those people will ever set foot in Eastern Europe. Guy's probably good to go if he stays out of "harm's way"
  7. My first tattoo was based off a Miraculous Medal I found in a bag of M&M's at work. I originally wanted the full body version, but Ezra Haidet talked me into doing a modified version based on a Renaissance painting that integrated both sides of medal. I think I went with it because I grow up surrounded by Catholic imagery and maybe subconsciously because my Mom's named Virginia and she hates tattoos. If I could do it differently, I'd probably gone with some color vs. black and grey; I don't know why I was initially opposed to color, but I love it now.
  8. The purple and teal was candy with pearl mixed in. The roof was 'laced' (lay down a lace curtain as a template, spray,win) and the teal was faded at the edges with the purple.
  9. My '62 Impala from 7 years ago. My pride and joy for 5 years. Started with something like this: ended up with this two years later ( went from a 235 3 speed to 350/350 combo) Under the hood: My current project is a '78 CB750 street tracker/ Jap bobber
  10. Kev


    Tika is my daughter's nickname :) Welcome!
  11. Except I have to go to the office to earn the money to get a big custom tattoo and they expect me to be there on weekdays at 12:30- it's a Catch-22. IDK, I don't have anything that's taken longer than 4 hours, so I've had pretty good luck scheduling stuff in on weekends. I think when I get my back, ribs, and my thighs done, it's going to take longer because it's going to be multiple sessions. But I'm cool with that- a tattoo is not a 'need', it's a want, so I can wait and work with the artist's schedule, too.
  12. I thought that one kid had a bad version of @David Flores Rollo monkey on his chest, then I realized it was an even worse tattoo of a lion.
  13. I blame Troy Denning for leading me into the dark world of So Tatted Boyz via his Instagram http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KWSzKzTMS8&feature=relmfu Tatted shit indeed:
  14. Kev


    I like Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  15. Bath salts- not even once. I make websites and I don't think everyone needs a website. Sure, if you're trying to set-up an online store it's a good idea. But you can accomplish things like news updates, galleries, and contact info w/ SMS like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram just fine. All this crap about those sites owning your content has materialized into what exactly? Is there secret Facebook/Twitter/Instagram store where they're selling the cool ideas you've been drunk posting on your wall? People need to chill with that and actually get good at something through practice before they worry about people stealing any of their stuff. That's the real drawback- it gives all us a chimps to a giant wall to throw our shit at and call it cultural progress.
  16. I'm not sure it'll work if you want to use it for actual reference- colors tend to fade/change
  17. Kev


    Did you then proceed to explain plate tectonics or was I the only little asshole that used to throw his limited knowledge of science into the religious argument with Mom? Worst mistake she made was getting me a library card. Personally, I know there are forces that are greater than myself like natural forces, the universe, energy and mortality, but if there's some greater plan, I can't understand it outside of my own experience. When I meditate, I use words like "God" and "Jesus to focus my attention outside my day to day crap, because those were the words I learned from childhood to understand 'the spiritual'. I have these mental pictures of what that looks like, because I'm into imagery, but I can't say my idea is is the 'correct' one (although I'm close to positive Jesus didn't look like Kris Kristofferson). So that's my belief system in a nutshell; I'm not totally sure how you'd label that.
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