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Posts posted by kerguelen

  1. @DeathB4Decaf Thanks for posting a picture! It's great to be able to see people just hanging out with their tattoos.

    @Pugilist I definitely agree. I'm still in school (and working from home) so I'll probably end up waiting until I've settled into a career etc. etc. It seems like every office has a different policy and attitude towards these kinds of things.

    (also I hope I tagged people correctly? I am not great at the internet)

  2. Do any of you have chest pieces done (sternum/collar bone area especially)? Has it affected how you're able to dress for work or any other stuffy professional occasions. I feel like women's tops are generally lower cut. At least more exposing that men in ties or plain t-shirts.

  3. Thanks! I told him I like panthers and the medieval villages he does, but I'm not sure which direction we'll end up going. It's on the ribs, too, which I'm dreading. Might as well knock out the worst first though.

  4. Hi everybody! I've been reading this forum for the last couple years and it's saved me from getting some really terrible tattoos. I just put down a deposit for an appointment with Steve Byrne in January. I'm really excited to be able to contribute to the community here and keep learning as much as I can.

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