following on what I read, I dropped a 60mg vicodin, 5mg valium and a muscle relaxant called norgesic.........I went through 2 1/2 hours fine (all gain no pain) and as the meds wore off, the pain kicked in with a vengeance, like there was nothing left........but when I stood up for a break, I felt high like a kite. I took another 1/2 vicodin, but no help. At first I thought I was going to walk away easy but no, not today. The last 1 hour 45 minutes was sore like when I got the outline done.
The positives: pain from level 10 down to 3 or 4
less flinching, no butt puckering / colon clenching, ab workout, no sweating.
The bad: nausea and unwanted dope high ( I had enough of that when I was a kid to age 25).
I have 3+ hours left to go after 10 days and I am going back to talk to the guy to split it up into 2 sessions, and I will repeat the dosage.
my recommendation for vicodin use: take a laxative or you will shit hard rocks the next day.
crazy cost of the meds? in South East Asia, OTC cost me 1 vicodin $1, valium 10mg for 7 cents, muscle relaxant 10 cents.........vicodin and valium came from Cambodia.
I remember seeing an older guy in Cambodia high like a kite on pills, next 2 years I go back and he is doing the same thing, I call him "Mr. Happy"