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About JasonWalstrom

  • Birthday 07/30/1981

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  • Biography
    I tattoo at Northeast Tattoo in MPLS, MN. Started tattooing circa 2007 in New Orleans
  • Location
    Minneapolis, MN
  • Interests
    Painting, tattooing, vintage cars. Old-timey art, movies, etc. Also, my girlfriend and my dogs
  • Occupation
    Tattoo Artist

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  1. Thanks man!
  2. Agreed on Leo. My boss has been studying Polynesian/Marquesian for many years and is really doing the thing out here. He lived in Tahiti and married into a Tahitian family and had a traditional education for that particular style. Check out Aleksander: http://northeasttattoo.com/section/70655_ALEKSANDAR_NEDICH.html What I personally like is that no matter what style tribal, as long as it's drawn well and is of proper size, it has a really dramatic effect! In really like the positive/negative space relationship with that stuff. Stewart, defnitely agree on what Thomas Hooper is doing. He is sort of reinventing the stuff, and I love the stippling! Cheers
  3. I know! I worked off Bourbon for awhile, it never really gets old seeing all the shenanigans! As for this feud thing, not sure if it's even true. It's just something I heard from someone who grew up there. I'll ask her and see if she has more details. I'd do anything for a fried oyster po'boy right about now! Hope you tried one of those while you were there...they redefine delicious!
  4. Thank you!
  5. On another note, my friend and coworker Lefty has recently been doing many trades with other painters whom he respects. They would each paint a smaller piece (5"x7"ish) in trade. I really liked that idea. So if anyone is interested, I'd love to paint some smaller stuff and trade with any of you good folks in the hopes of filling a very bare wall at work.
  6. Agreed with all of the above! Great stuff man, and like mentioned before, great that the whole shop was involved. Would love to see more!
  7. I really like this one Stefan! I've seen quite a bit of your work online, really good stuff! I'm a big fan. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Just took a look at that site, pretty rad place. hahaha...Johnny Wadd.
  9. We do this thing on the Jalopy Journal(an online forum for hot rodders) featuring an occasional friday art show where Pinstripers and the like share their artwork. Some really cool stuff would be shown, and I think that would be a fun event for this forum. So how about a picture of your favorite painting(s)? I'll start with this one, it's a liquid acrylic and coffee stained painting featuring Hans "King Whiskers" Langseth...Guinness World Record holder for longest beard.
  10. p.s. Cochon....sooo good! God I miss the food!
  11. I apprenticed and tattooed at a place on Magazine and Louisiana(going to hold off on naming names). Within 2 miles either direction there are 3 other shops. You are absolutely right, there aren't many. This is mainly due to Katrina's effect. There is also a strange rule in the main area of the French Quarter(Bourbon, Canal and parallel streets) where tattoo shops are banned. I've heard the reason was some bad beef between a few shops resulted in vandalism, and burning down the place. Don't quote me on this though. Here's a few notable shops to check out: Eye Candy- Magazine St Tattooagogo- Magazine St Electric Ladyland which was already mentioned. Laissez les bon temps rouler!
  12. JasonWalstrom


    Good stuff man. cheers
  13. Thank you! I dig your stuff as well!

  14. What's up, Dear Friend?

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