Hello everyone,
I had a tattoo done on my forearm about 2 weeks ago with mostly black ink and some red lines. The tattoo artist recommended the "dry" aftercare. It eventually scabbed in some areas but now most of the scabbing/peeling has fallen off naturally.
The black portions of the tattoo look great. No color issues or reactions. However, the red lines are raised and just started itching.The raising of the red was apparent early on during healing but the itching is new and started yesterday. The color also is a dark pink instead of the true red that was put on. While healing, some of the red areas were bumpy and those areas scarred and took the longest to fall off. Oddly, it's not those portions that are itchy but the parts of the red where the scabs fell off first (the thinner lines). There still seems to be a thin layer of skin over all of the red lines so there's still some healing going on. From what I can tell, the artist may have been heavy handed with the red as well.
I've contacted my artist via e-mail but just thought I would try for any opinions here. Is this common or should I see a dermatologist soon?
Thanks for any input.