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Everything posted by pixxillatted

  1. and he teaches, it seems
  2. We've recently opened. Use to be Saints and Sinners, now Artwerks. ArtWerks Nashville | Facebook
  3. We recently moved into a larger location and are now looking for a full time or guest artist. We can be found on facebook at Artwerks Nashville | Facebook, website coming soon. We're looking for someone laid back but professional. If interested please contact by email at artwerksstudio@gmail.com or call 615-891-3552 to speak with Louie. Portfolio and TN license required. We are also looking for a piercer, so if you know someone send them our way. Thanks!
  4. we have 4 people at the shop, and the play list depends on who got to the ipod first. It can be any where from Sinatra and Bing, to hardcore rap (very not PG), to old school rock, to techno/trip hop/dup step. Of all of these it's the dub step that kills me. One song is bearable, but hours of it makes my wanna put my head through the window.
  5. we've had a couple do that. It usually results in our system being turned way up till they get the hint.
  6. I have a problem with sitting still, even when not being jabbed. I fidget all the time and it only gets worse when i HAVE to be still. I have to use meditation tricks to keep myself for tattooing. When I got my calf done was the first time I experienced reaction muscle twitching, but it only seemed to happen in the area closer to the back. The guy who was doing the tattoo was a friend though so he pretty much pinned my foot and knee down and got to work, giving me small breaks to rest his hands and for me to flex my leg. We made it through the piece that way, but it was not fun.
  7. I have a small scar under my right eye from the time I thought it would be funny to rub my socked feet on the carpet and then sneak up behind the cat. Cats have reaally quick reactions.
  8. Made teriyaki crab "fried" rice the other night using that boil in a bag rice(because I am for some reason unable to properly make rice. Stoopid, I know, but I always manage to ruin it). added chopped veggie and quickly heated the crab meat in a bit of melted butter with garlic. It wasn't bad at all and only took 20mins.
  9. I'm a fan of both the color and the black and gray. I always wonder how the hyper realistic ones hold up over time though. I see a lot of photos of them fresh or still fairly new, not so many pics of them a few years after. These were done by Louie Lopez.
  10. I'm only slightly ashamed at the very heartfelt sigh the ice picture drew from me. It is now my firm belief that every girl deserves ice cream flowers.
  11. Swing by Saints and Sinners in Antioch and say hi if you have time. Antioch's about 20 minutes or so from Nashville. Saints & Sinners | Home Black 13 is also worth checking out.
  12. Man, I wish I had that "problem." I'd be so much more productive! I wonder if he still feels well rested the day after.
  13. I'm fairly certain I would have barfed and passed out weeellll before ever making it to my destination.
  14. I use to make sure I ate about an hour before, and then after I'd head out to find a med rare steak or burger. A few nights ago I got my first tattoo since going vegetarian. I did not get a steak or a burger and I was hella grumpy because of it. Not a happy camper. Now I have to find some other after tattoo ritual. Seeing as beer is so highly recommended, I think I will start with that and build from there. I've also felt that pain killers were cheating, like if you had the balls for a tattoo then you should have the balls for a tattoo. I've had one artist use numbing cream once during the work, but I didn't see that it made that much of a difference. When I get around to doing my ribs I'm pretty sure I'll cry like a sissy and probably cheat any way I can and screw what I thought before. We've had a couple of highly medicated people come in the shop and they made me uncomfortable. I'd hate to have a medical emergency on my hands if they misjudged their dosing.
  15. Summer's the busy season at most shops, so scheduling many be harder. I don't like getting tattooed in the summer as it means I can't go swimming, have to watch the sun exposure so other outdoor activities may be out, and the heat. The hotter it gets the more you sweat, which I think is icky with a new tattoo. Being hot always makes the soreness and itching more noticable to me. But that's all personal preference. Other people prefer summer because you can wear less or lighter clothing, which they like to do as their tattoo heals. So, get tattooed whenever you have the time, money and inclination! :)
  16. Last night I got my first "on a whim" tattoo. This morning I think it was an awesome experience and not one I'm likely to forget or regret. Spontaneity can be just as important and significant as the most planned out actions, this applies to tattoos as well as other aspects of life. :)
  17. pika and ferris from the Bloggess
  18. My boss is doing the warrior run, which is a slightly less intense verison of this. They put in atleast 3 miles running a day. When it gets closer they will add weight training and off trail running. Endurance is the biggest challenge, and team work helps. I was thinking of trying this next year, it looks like so much fun!
  19. Love that fisherman shark one! so much going on.
  20. Dunno if I have any old ones, but I'm sure I have some detective/crime books. I'll rumage through and see what I have.
  21. I love that coin collection. There are coins from places I'd never even heard of and I remember there was one from an island that had since been renamed or made part of a bigger country or something. @Rory it took the husband 5 years to make a dent in the book hording. I've started shipping books out to family members in what we call the "traveling library". When someone finishes one they sign the cover and send it to the next person. Last person donates the book to a senior center, hosipital or library. Bad thing is I bring in so many that my collection never really shrinks, but it keeps it from growing. Then there are the books I refuse to let go of because I like them. There's a lot of those... A guy I work with had to have his floors reinforced to handle the weight of all the books he has. He has two rooms with floor to ceiling bookshelve. He's my hero.
  22. I don't collect books, I horde them. I have 5 bookshelves full now, with more in boxes. It doesn't help that I've worked in the book industry in some form for most of my employement. Anyone need some random paperbacks? Anyone? I collect coins and currency from around the world (US included, when they issue those special coins). The collection was started by my great grandfather when he was in the army, and then continued by my grandfather while he served. Now my grandmother and I add to it when we can. I like the coins best.
  23. I make a habit of saving silly pics to spam my friends with (they secretly love it). I'll have to go dig out the good ones. for now here's these.
  24. Kiiitttaaays! PK is the calico and Radar is the white and grey. Radar's a momma's boy. He whines for me, wants to be carried (seriously, he'll asked to be picked up) and follows me around. I've never seem a cat that was clingly like that. It's like having a kid. PK's pretty normal, but she really really loves to be warm.
  25. has anyone mentioned the inside of the lips yet? That one's gonna be on my "nope no way" list too.
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