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  1. Again, definitely Frith Street. That's where are I go. They're the best!
  2. I was thinking the exact same thing after the London Convention! Very tempted!
  3. I hadn't planned to get tattooed at the London Convention, but Michelle Myles (Dare Devil / Fun City NYC) had a cancellation and I've always really loved her work. I got a fantail (native bird from my home country New Zealand) on my outer forearm. I totally love him! Will post a pic once he's healed. I had such a great time at the convention, the first one I've been too.
  4. Just rewatched season 1. So good!
  5. Valerie Vargas at Frith Street Tattoo in London. A bit yellow because of the bruising. So pleased with it!
  6. So I watched the first episode of the new season of TLC's Tattoo School. Out of curiosity. (Don't worry, watched it online, won't contribute to their ratings). I believe two episodes have screened. On top of the 'special' they put out last year. I cannot put into words how dreadful it was. Three terrible people. Apparently on a two week course. Making truly awful tattoos. And then being praised by their teacher for their smooth tattooing skills and creativity (?!?!!). I shouldn't have watched it. It might be the worst thing to ever be on TV. And that's saying something. Anyone else see the show since it premiered earlier this month?
  7. In hindsight this probably belongs in the hipster tattoo thread
  8. Seen this yet? Hilarious. A few years back, my friend's younger brother asked a famous skateboarder to autograph his arm and was then determined to get it tattooed. Sadly for him that plan got nixed when he showed up at my friend's place asking for cash to get the tattoo.
  9. Upside down script on my wrist. Before I knew better. Currently plotting an awesome cover up.
  10. I went last year. Have fun!!!
  11. I got a lovely new tattoo today from Valerie at Frith St in London.... https://instagr.am/p/IR82kEOt4R/ (It's the purple ranunculus flower. The pink rose is on me too, I had that one done 6 weeks ago)
  12. I was in NYC for work a fortnight ago and really wanted to walk in to Smith Street but didn't have time. Seriously jealous of you! Be sure to show us what you end up getting!
  13. What a cool, inspiring guy. I really like his outlook on life. Plus his work is amazing, obviously!
  14. Well put. Each to their own.
  15. Got this one yesterday from Valerie at Frith Street Tattoo.... Really stoked with it.
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