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Posts posted by RoryQ

  1. @tattooedj

    I only read the article, and that's about as much as I know about this specific situation, so you could well be right that it's mainly about the older folks wanting to tackle the use of the beach for partying.

    Taking the article at face-value, though, it makes mention of a few rather Japan-centric social issues so perhaps you can understand my comment:- the Yakuza, problems with U.S base personnel and, overall, the social unease around 'scary' tattoos.

    If the incoming tattoo regulations are intended to discourage noisy youngsters in general the committment that people whose tattoos are fashion statements won't be affected only seems rather odd. That will excuse the vast majority of young Japanese (and the westerners!). I guess when the regulations around tattoos are finalised it will become apparent.

    The lack of a penalty for offenders and the promise of towels on hand to 'cover up' the problem tattoos made me smile. To me, you wouldn't get that in many other countries.

    I was once asked to wear a rash guard top and pants in a Tokyo hotel swimming pool to cover up my tattoos. They actually offered ones they had on hand to me (I didn't bother in the end, but I really hope they were new... Almost certainly, I guess).

  2. people with tattoos might be asked to cover up their body art with a bath towel they can borrow for free. The rule, however, will not apply to those whose tattoos are deemed just fashion statements, he added, while acknowledging no definition of this yet exists.
    The city’s initiative was partly prompted by the fatal stabbings of two yakuza at the beach last July.
    Among the misbehavers were a sizable number of foreigners, he added, because of the beach’s proximity to the U.S. Navy base in Yokosuka.

    Quotes from the article. Seems like there are a few things going on here. If there's legitimately a public order problem on the beach I wonder how much of this is aimed at anyone except the yakuza or drunken service personnel?

    It's a very Japanese situation.

  3. Ian, sorry to hear about your divorce- the best of luck...

    As far as the forum goes I am not really convinced we are that unfriendly or closed off as group, to be honest. How many people are banned or told off by moderators here? Practically none. This is still a very, very civil forum by online standard for the most part.

    There is the appearance of a 'clique' but actually there is a turnover of members here and I see new posters become regulars become 'old hands' in time...

    It's always possible to be 'even nicer', but my personal view is that a pretty good balance is struck on the forum in terms of being friendly but also being honest. I like the fact that there's a lively atmosphere with some home truths occasionally being told, and I would hate too see that go.... I have learned a lot from some of the tattooers' rants posted on here!

  4. The one-shot tattoos I have by people like Chad Koeplinger, Steve Boltz and Oliver Peck were drawn up just before the appointment.

    That said, those guys can whip something up in twenty minutes probably because of years of twenty years plus overall experience tattooing. Usually some references in there somewhere too.

    If the artist is competent it wouldn't bother me (...for one shots anyway).

  5. I feel like most of us put on a kind of 'public face' or 'professional face' when we work anyway, whether we have tattoos or not. We all know that some people seem completely different outside of the workplace.

    I do cover up my tattoos with a suit and tie, but sometimes that's a smaller act of concealment than the minding of P's and Q's that goes on, and the careful way people present themselves.

  6. @sophistre

    First of all, am I jumping to conclusions or is the artist Henning Jorgensen? When I hear a Danish artist in NYC that's who I think of. If so, congrats...!

    Back to back sessions like the one you've booked in for are tough, there's no doubt about that. However, they're not uncommon in situations like you described.

    I did my whole back in more or less the way you're describing, and I'm in the middle of doing my front the same way.

    In Yellow Blaze in Yokohama they do double back to backs, where you do two days, take a few days break, and then do another two days. Now that's real murder. The tattoos still seem to turn out just fine.

    As you say, with a guest artist, or if you're the one travelling, it's the way to go to maximise the work you have time to do.

    Personally I would mail your artist if you're seriously considering going the route Matthew suggests and see what they have to say.

    You're right than if your appointments are 12-8 both days the odds are probably nearly nil that you will be tattooed for 16 hours.

    Even if everyone is on time you might be chatting, drawing on and setting up for the first hour or so... Then remember you're both going to need to eat... Maybe smoke breaks etc.

    "8 hours" might end up being 3.5 hours tattooing, break, 2.5 hours tattooing, break, 1 hour, done. I think that would still be really ambitious.

    Day one you will probably be fine with. Day two will be the hard one, especially if you didn't sleep great with the new tattooing.

    Even so... If you're rested, have eaten well and are intent on enjoying the experience you should be able to do it, don't let anyone panic you too much.

  7. Other are new to the site and honestly who has the time to look through all the different threads. I feel that some of these questions are so stupid but that is because I've learned the answers to many of these questions through getting tattooed..

    So people who don't have tattoos or not as much then this should be a great place to come.

    They don't have the time to use the search function to look through old threads that have the answer to their question? Really? It's probably quicker than starting a new thread and coming back to check on it again and again. And it's also a lot easier on the rest of us.

    I agree that this is a great forum to come to. But part of the reason it's good is because the signal to noise ratio is low. I don't know whether you get this or not, but a surefire way to significantly reduce the overall quality of the forum is to end up with a scenario where it becomes the clogged up with endless threads are by people asking whether their tattoo is infected or whether they can get a koi half sleeve done for $300 or what have you. That's not hating on people, but let's be clear that without at least some moderation and structure the forum would be less enjoyable than it is.

    As for not answering someone's question if you don't like it: Let's be clear here. Graeme answered the OP's question pretty conclusively. It just might not be what he wanted or needed to hear. This thread is well and truly derailed, but it had nothing to do with his response.

  8. The point is I see so many posts and hear ppl say 'oh these plains skins say the darnedest things' and the like, well they say and think what they do because they try and gather information about tattoos, etiquette etc from ppl who are experienced so they don't look like fools when they walk in a professional shop and ask a general question, good tattooers are busy and aren't going to stop tattooing to answer such, I've seen it first hand, so as a site dedicated to good tattoos it lends that we should be informing or pointing in the right direction. If 'this is a question for your tattooer' is more productive then sharing exp.. Well..

    There's an incredible amount of high quality discussion and information on this forum. The search function is a help, but really even if someone just read through some of the longer threads they'd learn a tremendous amount.

    I reject the idea that on top of that this forum should be a place for people to ask the kind of questions that have probably been dealt with before in one thread or another, and which they don't really seem to be serious enough about answering that they go into their local street shop or shoot an artist an e-mail. If you feel differently, and feel that no question is too dumb for us to have some responsibility to answer that's your perogative. But don't call people a 'cock sucker' (nice casual homophobia by the way) just because not everyone agree with you.

  9. You don't have to always be a cock sucker, everyone else here offered what info they could and explained why it may not be useful at all, what wrong with that? Instead of being a dick, try answering a question, or here's a thought, if it's really that pointless, just stfu.

    I guess unless you're asking a question the only reply accepted 'ask your tattooer'.. Asking a tattooer is great, but as someone new to tattoos and such, if you just roll up in a shop or two and start asking artists 'how much for this?' And 'how long for that?' You're going to have a bad time, seen it first hand, tattooers wanna work with paying customers, not looky Lu's-

    If we here @ LST aren't willing to provide these types of guesstimates, we should be so willing to talk shit when they get bad info elsewhere.

    This place is supposed to be dedicated to good tattoos, not being a fucking asshole to anyone you can because they might know less then you. How about help out or shut the fuck up.

    Somehow we manage to have dozens of threads per month where we discuss a lot of positive topics, share images of new tattoos and general shoot the shit. If the 'party line' on LST were that the only acceptable answer to any tattoo-related question is to 'ask your tattooer' then we wouldn't have the thriving discussion forum that we do. We'd have a bunch of really short threads which all culminated in people saying 'ask your tattooer'. Err.. Except we don't.

    A guideline here on LST is that we don't talk about money. I'm guessing this guy is looking for a ballpark figure of hours for his half-sleeve so that he can figure out how much he needs to save or whatever. Fine. No one is talking about hanging, drawing and quartering him, but let's be clear: He'd be better off going to his tattooer and being up front rather than asking a 'how long is a piece of string' question. Because Graeme was actually giving him very good advice when he said he is not going to learn anything useful here. All he'll learn is how quickly a specific tattooer worked on that tattoo. It won't even tell him whether that tattooer would be slower on a different client, doing a different tattoo, in a different frame of mind.

    Now, I do also detect a slightly testy tone to Graeme's post. But frankly he probably said what a lot of us were thinking. We've had a rash of posts on LST lately which are, frankly, lowest common denominator posts. It's stuff that people should be walking into their tattoo shop and asking about. I don't see a particular reason why any regulars on LST are obligated to worry if people get 'bad advice' when they are fobbed off and end up asking elsewhere. I don't feel any particular pressure to provide 'guesstimates' to anyone, for example... I mean... really?

    Finally, there's something more than a little ironic about the fact that you're pleading for Graeme to 'help out' and not be a 'fucking asshole' while at the same time you manage to squeeze into your post that he is a cock sucker, a dick and a fucking asshole, and to 'stfu'.

    For what it's worth, Graeme adds a hell of a lot more value to this forum with his posts that yours, so perhaps you're the one who should consider putting a sock in it.

  10. I have a full back piece done in Thailand. I had to do fast, cause i left to do the tattoo in my last days of traveling! So... i did in 3 days straight, first day i stayed 9 hours ( fever and very bad afterwards), i don't even know how i came back next day, but i did for another almost 9 hours and in the third day around 5 hours!

    Never more i could do this, and even now me and my wife don't know how could i do! lol

    I'd be curious to see a picture of it?

  11. Supporting Tattooers who deserve your support makes more of them, alternatively supporting bad Tattooers makes more of them too, so think twice about who you commission for your next art project, the consequences affect us all. Each time you support an artist who deserves it, there is one more good tattoo in the world, which helps to reshape society’s collective view on the Tattoo Scene for the good of us all. The black eye on the reputation of tattoo was created by a bunch of seedy characters and can be slowly erased by the decisions each of us make and who we support for applications of Tattoos.

    I think it's a given that regulars here are aficionados of good tattooing. So you're preaching to the choir, here on LST at least. If you've read around you probably noticed the calibre of work people are getting.

    I don't really have a view on whether tattooing is a profession or a craft, I'll leave that one to the tattooers.

  12. Is it too early to post this...?

    I know it's seven months away but I've put it in my diary. It looks like I will be getting tattooed most of Friday, all going well (it's far enough out that I'm going to sit on that for the moment, I'm superstitious about jinxing it).

    The last 1-2 years in a row I've missed this convention but this time around I'm looking forward to it - and hopefully meeting some LSTers.

    Anyone fired off any e-mails or secured some super-early bookings?

  13. @Bexter

    When you take off the wrap the first time you'll have a cleaning job on your hands, as you probably know.

    Whether you re-wrap or not before sleeping for the night chances are the tattoo may continue to ooze a little overnight. Hence you will sometimes see people recommend wearing an old shirt to try to avoid ruining nice sheets or whatever.

    On day two after you shower you might have more of this, but probably less and maybe none. You might get the odd small speck. Oddly I find my feet and legs seem to weep a little longer than places like my front or arms.

    In summary, you should be ok for your meeting if it's in the middle of day two. If you're in doubt that morning you could wear something dark so any small speckles aren't noticeable.

  14. The Raid is amazing, really recommend it. A sequel is on the way.

    Just watched 'Elite Squad' ('Tropa de elite') again- also very good. It's about the Brazilian paramilitaries that police Rio's favelas. Slightly punisher-like.

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