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Everything posted by DeathB4Decaf

  1. Holy shit. That looks so good. And so fast, well it seemed fast, ha. - - - Updated - - - I'm a shitty forum user. I find I only lurk the backpiece thread(s) with any kind of regularity. I should work on that. Anyways, latest sit after 2 months off for traveling and enjoying summer adventures. Started colour! Super pumped about that. Also, any sit above the waist is a good one. Have an appointment every month from now until December. Hoping to have it done then which would mean it took a year for everything shoulders to knees. Fingers crossed. Sorta off topic, but a guy was at the shop near the end of my sit. Heavily covered (only a patch bare on torso) and kinda shooting the shit. He asked if I was going to do my front. I replied with a fuck no (keep in mind, this is at the end of my sit, ha). He said finishing your back is kind of bittersweet and said he'd put money on it I do my front, ha. We shall see. I can't imagine being sad to be done. But I do plan to finish off my arms, legs, and front of thighs eventually.
  2. What in the actual fuck.
  3. What a beautiful tattoo, @TrixieFaux
  4. My sister snapped this photo of me today at the beach. So weird. Now I think I finally understand the whole never feeling naked thing, hah. And yes, all the sunblock reapplied non-stop, and I was only on my front for like 5mins while texting, hah. I feel like I need to justify the bare back in sun to you fine ladies. And no, it's obviously not done. Not even close. :'(
  5. Just to further pipe up on the whole all is brutal commentary. Finished shading my ass and right thigh on Saturday. Currently still dreading sitting, then standing, or going to the bathroom. Have fun!
  6. I totally have to make it into his shop. I have a short list, but he's up on it. And is it terrible I love that he's Canadian? Hope you continue to post up your progress. It's been nice to watch it progress. @Graeme
  7. Soo good, @Graeme!! I've yet to see something from Dave C that I haven't totally loved.
  8. I sure have some serious ass, but it didn't reinvented the wheel. The classic shoulders to knees layout is pretty unisex, I think.
  9. I don't get the whole dirty details bit. You go in, discuss a full backpiece, you work on said piece. Ass, inner thigh, whatever- so be it. You both sign up for it so you best be ready to commit. I absolutely hateeee sessions on my ass/inner thigh, but it's all worth it in the end. Or some enlightened shit like that.
  10. Such a great shop! Post up what you get.
  11. Oh for shit sakes. You are so right. I'm glad I've yet to utter those words out loud, ha.
  12. That's brutal. I may of booked all my appointments around any possibility of lining the two up. This kid is not that tough. How's the back going so far?
  13. I don't want to name the dude. But an artist I REALLY wanted a piece by for years was a total buzzkill. Guy tattoos in another country. Called his shop- nothing. Emailed a few times over 2 years- nothing. Met him at a convention, was super into the idea, down with my travel schedule and told me to email him. Went back and forth a little. I then see he's coming to a convention just a short flight away (about 6mths later) and since I didn't have an appt yet, I emailed (three times over 3 mths) asking for a slot. Nothing. Months pass, and just 4 days prior emails me a paypal invoice and appt details. What the f, man. I didn't book airfare or hotels. No travel plans were made. I email back saying not doable due to short notice and that was the last I heard of him. Total bummer.
  14. Had another sit on my back yesterday. Did the shading on the lower back and left ass cheek and thigh. Pretty much everything is shaded (I think?) besides my right ass cheek and thigh. Back is looking so full now. Healing is not so fun with all the Easter hustle. No fucks have been given regarding my athletic pants being worn in public all day. Getting really happy seeing it all coming together. Excited to see the shading all done in 5wks after our next session. Not so happy that we have to take a two month break this summer (June & July) due to travel and work commitments. But I'm sure it's for the best, as I can't imagine hiking and kayaking on the east coast to be good for healing fresh work.
  15. The two I have from Mario Desa were surprises, and I was over the moon in love with them both.
  16. I've been just pulling out my phone. But I also don't really come across tattooed people that curious. Mostly soccer moms trying to make conversation.
  17. The butt. I hateee getting my ass and the little area between ass and thigh tattooed. That can all just go to hell.
  18. Holy shit. This is too notch. Well done, man.
  19. I don't I have any photos of it fresh or all fully laid out. But this part shown of the light blues is all healed and aged and is what I had trouble keeping in the first time around. I wouldn't get this cartoonish sleeve today, but I'm still happy with it now and love it for what it is.
  20. I have a 2 year old high energy german shepherd and while I'm no dog trainer (not even close), I've been teaching her some fun things to keep life interesting in -25 weather. Also to help relieve my guilt over long work weeks, ha. We hike daily in the middle of nowhere. All my previous dogs have been rottweilers, so all new fun over here. We've been working on scent detection, hiding something the day before and retrieving it the next day on our hike, tracking followed by sit-stay, and random fun. All our hikes are mostly off leash, so obviously before we ventured to the harder stuff we had her basic off leash commands down (come, sit, heel, watch, stay, leave it, etc). Totally neat to see her react to scent and tracking in various temperatures and weather conditions. It's all I mostly post on IG, so apologies to anyone who started following me expecting tattoo related stuff. My lunatic.
  21. On the positive side, at least it's the last one, right? I imagine it must feel a little strange to be all done and knowing you won't need to head back. I have an older underwater themed sleeve that some of the lighter blue had fallen out of. We hit it again one of the last session and it still looks good today some 12-13 years later.
  22. Loved this movie. Well worth the IMAX price. Better the second time around.
  23. Third session done. I'm so over the moon happy with it. Also happy wasn't another session on the butt/thighs.
  24. Loving that podcast when I think to listen to it. The Beau Brady one was good. Mostly loving the musicians on there. I just love hearing peoples stories, regardless of the nature. And yeah, still straightedge over here (16-17 years now) but don't really go about saying it much these days. First 3 tattoos way back were edge and/or hardcore related. Those were the days. Another good newish podcast is Turned Out A Punk by Fucked Up's Damian Abraham.
  25. Now that is one hell of a collection of tattoos. Great intro. And congratulations on the soon-to-be PhD.
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