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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2022 in all areas

  1. Just dropping in a pic of my almost finished Matt Collins full back for the thread. Home stretch now, it’s 90% done just got a few touch ups to go, maybe 29 hours work so far I think? Stoked!
    2 points
  2. Laurenellen1209

    Milky stage?

    As I've already stated, this isn't finished, but again thanks for slating the work of a reputable tattooist Artist is MollieJaneArt on Instagram, go message her and slate her yourself Thanks 😊
    1 point
  3. That’s rough all right. There really isn’t anything you can do. Too much moisturizer is worse than too little, so go light. I’d just keep it clean, a little moisturizer and wait for it to heal.
    1 point
  4. Arrowsmith

    Milky stage?

    I'm pretty sure we can't see the actual tattoo and details because of the layer of dried skin /scab on top. So there's no way to tell the quality of the actual art from these photos. Lauren, sorry someone's trying to bum you out but I'd love to see the healed tattoo - or, you could post a photo of the freshly done tattoo, if you like. That should show the detail, for those curious.
    1 point
  5. Hogrider

    Milky stage?

    I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. Go look in this thread - https://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/t/12-latest-tattoo-lowdown/ You'll see lots of great tattoos. It's not a "3D" effect, it's about a great artist making a tattoo look alive and a mediocre artist making a tattoo look flat and lifeless.
    1 point
  6. Hogrider

    Milky stage?

    It's very flat and two dimensional. Look up some really good work on the internet and you'll see the difference. There's lots of great work right on this site. How long someone has been tattooing is irrelevant. I've seen lots of crappy work by people with many years of experience.
    1 point
  7. Hogrider

    Milky stage?

    3 times a day is too much. The point is to not let it completely dry out, although many people successfully use the dry heal method. Too much is worse than too little. Tattoos take 4-8 weeks to heal. Let it heal and get it touched up if necessary. I'd find another artist too. That art work just isn't very good.
    1 point
  8. There are a lot of variables. I wouldn't even be thinking about it with that tattoo. Taking good care of your skin and staying out of the sun are going to have a far larger impact on how long it lasts.
    1 point
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