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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2021 in all areas

  1. jdub

    New Tatt

    I wanted to share the tattoo I got today from Bryan Randolph at Shangri La Tattoo. I think he did an amazing job. Great artists and shop there! Yes, it's oozing a bit 🙂
    1 point
  2. Hands On

    Mom tattoo ideas

    i just thought of a hilarious mom tattoo! a realistic umbilical cord coming out of your belly button! dude.... dude. ok forreal tho. it doesn't have to be a memory, but perhaps something that reminds you of her or is unique to her. a favorite bird, flower, or animal. a trinket around the house. a song she used to sing, a saying or phrase. I think @SStu just meant that it doesn't have to spell out MOM. btw, plenty of 36 year old men get hearts and birds and those kinds of things. but also.. it's your body! if a realistic slot machine tickles your fancy, then doggonit, get a slot machine!!! but i'm also saying... i googled umbilical cord tattoo and it seems to be unique as shit! 😜
    1 point
  3. the top half of fingers keeps ink pretty well,the palm side not so well, I just got my wedding ring on the top half for that reason, I got this on my ring finger and all of the first knuckle about 5 or 6 years ago and they have held up good IMO, the one love ones are a little newer, and after the tattoo is healed, don't worry about the sun. life is short, get the tattoo.
    1 point
  4. Gingerninja

    Upcoming Tattoos

    So? An update on this? Hi! If you look at his IG from 8/13, you will see my arm!
    1 point
  5. jdub

    New Tatt

    I have another appt beginning Oct and will post it as well. I learned quite a bit on this forum about looking at artists work and choosing an artist/shop. Thanks to the forum helping educate this newb 🙂
    1 point
  6. jdub

    New Tatt

    Thanks guys! I gravitate to old school stuff ... the 50s was my time haha. Here is a better shot I think.
    1 point
  7. Ok, then I will say it to you in italian (sorry for all the folks who don't speak it: I promise I will try to translate and convey the spirit of what I'm going to say if you ask): Fottitene di quello che dicono le persone, in tutta onestà siamo nati in un paese già morto e dominato da una mentalità in cui il giudizio e soprattutto il pregiudizio avvelenano qualsiasi tentativo di umanità. Qui parliamo di un tatuaggio, che è una cosa comunque "piccola", ma è un ottimo esempio di quali spiriti e quanto odio serpeggino nella nostra società... se prendessi due italiani a caso e li mettessi in una stanza isolata, probabilmente nel giro di due ore troverebbero un motivo per discriminarsi a vicenda. Ormai questo veleno è proprio nel tessuto sociale, nella struttura stessa dell'Italia in quanto nazione, e probabilmente - se qualcosa la storia ha da suggerirci - c'è sempre stato, aspettando nell'ombra i momenti più propizi per esplodere in tutta la sua violenza. Stando così le cose, io te lo ribadisco: fottitene di quello che dice la gente, o almeno cerca di imparare a fottertene, perché nulla di buono può venir fuori dal rancore, dall'invidia e dalla continua ricerca del nemico da odiare. Magari tutto 'sto discorso ti sembrerà eccessivo per un tatuaggio e ti chiederai se io non mi stia solo sfogando, e in effetti se fosse solo il tatuaggio il problema ti darei pure ragione... ma purtroppo questa è la realtà in ogni aspetto della vita degli italiani, e se inizi ad affrontarla nell'ambito comunque limitato della gestione dei pareri sul tuo tatuaggio stai già facendo un passo avanti per essere diverso e forse poter contribuire alla costruzione di un'Italia migliore, un'Italia da cui la gente come me (che oltre agli attacchi per il tatuaggio ho dovuto subire - per altri motivi, ben più gravi e radicali - letteralmente aggressioni fisiche e psicologiche) non sia costretta a scappare.
    1 point
  8. 1) it will fade, but not in a week. It's not even healed! 2) It is a nice tattoo 3) If you're worried about what people will think, it's too late for that. This is why you think about the ramifications of getting a tattoo BEFORE you get one.
    1 point
  9. Thank you, really appreciate it 🙂 I'm Italian as well by the way. I agree, my problem might be the fear of judgment (bad tattoo) from other people. I hope I'll simply get used to it, feeling it as part of my body without overthinking it.
    1 point
  10. I want to say three things: 1 - It will "fade" a little bit over time, tattoo always do. 2 - It's a very nice tattoo if you ask me, but in any case you should try not to worry about what people think: it's your tattoo on your skin, and your opinion is the only one that really matters. 3 - Southern Europe and tattoos (or any other kind of body modification, for what matters)... I can empathise with you: as a person coming from the southest part of Europe (I'm from Sicily, if you're wondering), I know how reactionary and judgemental our peoples can be. Again, just try to ignore all the shit people will throw at you (explicitly or by just looking at you with disapproval in their eyes): your tattoo, your skin, your choice.
    1 point
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