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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2021 in all areas

  1. long time no post 🙂 kinda lost track of this place, so here's what i've been up to over the last few years...work on my legs by the fantastic @Scott Sylvia
    3 points
  2. Dan

    Tattoo opinion

    /\ this
    2 points
  3. Here's an update at around 20 hours. The outline took 3 sessions to finish, around 10 hours (so. many. lines.). But we've been making steady progress with relatively short appointments every 2-3 weeks, and the cover up is almost done. I'm loving the wildflower color palette and all the little creatures peeking out here and there.
    2 points
  4. Started filling in my legs with stars and dots this last week. Also got this lil’ ZZ Top tribute on my leg.
    1 point
  5. This is not a place for scratchers. We are mostly tattoo collectors here, not tattoo artists. Read the forum rules.
    1 point
  6. suburbanxcore

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Back out to San Francisco next week for two more sessions with Scott. Could be wrapping up the backpiece. Fingers crossed.
    1 point
  7. suburbanxcore

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I've got four sessions lined up with Scott Sylvia through the spring and summer to finally start my backpiece. We'll see if and when I'll be able to travel and SF tattoo shops open up though... Some of those appts may have to be moved back.
    1 point
  8. Boiled Dove

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Hey all, been gone for a while, hope everyone is well. I have time scheduled with Chad Koeplinger in about a month to do my chest. This is probably gonna be my first multi session tattoo. Just breezed through the new tattoo pics, y'all age getting some great shit out there.
    1 point
  9. Stewart Robson

    Multiple Session

    I'm sorry, but I don't get it. What's the rush? Who needs a large tattoo that quickly anyway? Is regular (shorter) sessions too much trouble? Even if you are traveling, I see no need to do 3 full consecutive days. I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say that every sleeve that I've seen (in person) completed in marathon sessions or super-close consecutive sessions heals pretty rough. I'd love someone to prove me wrong and i hope someone can but I don't see how you can heal a full arm while maintaining some sort of normal life (which includes moving your limbs, going to the toilet, moving food to your face etc.) without having some colour drop-out or whatever. I find healing larger tattoos to be miserable at the best of times, particularly around the ditch, elbow, armpit etc. For me, marathon consecutive sessions means another trip for touch ups, which negates the need to finish in a short space of time anyway. It usually takes just a little more thought from the tattooer to finish smaller sections of the tattoo with a mind to extending it later if the client doesn't want to live with an un-finished looking tattoo, or the manner CaptCanada described at the end of his post above. This can still be tough to heal, but is a more efficient use of time, particularly for people who travel long distances. But I guess you don't get so many bragging rights, just a solid, awesome tattoo. Please bear in mind that I have occasionally and begrudgingly, tattooed the same person on 2 consecutive days to finish a large tattoo before they leave the country/go to prison or whatever, so that probably discounts my opinion.
    1 point
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