Here's an update at around 20 hours. The outline took 3 sessions to finish, around 10 hours (so. many. lines.). But we've been making steady progress with relatively short appointments every 2-3 weeks, and the cover up is almost done. I'm loving the wildflower color palette and all the little creatures peeking out here and there.
I wanted to share the tattoo I got today from Bryan Randolph at Shangri La Tattoo. I think he did an amazing job. Great artists and shop there!
Yes, it's oozing a bit 🙂
I have another appt beginning Oct and will post it as well. I learned quite a bit on this forum about looking at artists work and choosing an artist/shop. Thanks to the forum helping educate this newb 🙂
Yes, and "areas of concern" would be the specific parts of that tattoo where minimizing the current darkness might help the new artist re-draw and crisp up the lines.
Are some inks " better " than others for the end result, or does it mainly depend on the artists preference ?
Just learning about tattoos and see for example different people rant and rave about different black inks. From what i've read it depends on the artists preference more than anything ?
What a rad outline here ! I really like the floral composition with the animals scattered here and there. I can't wait to see the progression on your full back.
You all make me want to start a back piece more and more... I will contact Joel Soos (Stockholm), he is doing amazing pieces