Multiple people are telling you the same thing and you’re not getting it. I’m sorry to be blunt, but let’s clear up a few things.
1. Tattoos are an imperfect artform
2. Skin is an imperfect medium
3. Tattooing is a wound that has to heal. Without letting it heal, nothing can be done.
4. Overworking a tattoo (and inflicting more trauma to the area) will rarely help a situation.
5. Stop worrying about what inks your artist use. If you are at a reputable shop and artist, they know more than you do. They also know more than most people here
6. Do more research on who you choose to tattoo you before you let them stick needles into your skin with ink that will be there forever.
7. The answer to further questions is probably “let it heal and wait a few weeks” or “no, you can’t fix it that way.”