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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2021 in all areas

  1. 22 hours in! I’m in love. I know people think it’s weird a woman has a turkey vulture back piece but I’m stoked ❤️
    7 points
  2. Dan

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I don't think it's weird , I think it's a really nice tattoo.
    3 points
  3. moses

    Who HAS tattooed you?

    Joe Haasch did my first tattoo, getting tattooed by Scott Sylvia on May 8th while he is working at Elm Street for a few days.
    1 point
  4. And I'm back! Had my first session a few days ago, we went for about 7 and a half hours or so and got all the outline done. Was definitely a tough session, the kidneys, parts just below my neckline and the tailbone were all particularly unpleasant. I'm hoping the shading will go a little easier on me. We're going to add some more at some point so that my ass is covered, probably flowers or some cool swirling wind bars. Next session is another day in about three weeks or so. I couldn't be happier with how its looking currently, I just wish I didn't have the view intruded upon by the old pieces, still, they'll be gone soon enough! I can't wait to see how it all unfolds from here really.
    1 point
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