The only thing we will allow in our shop is ibuprofin or tylenol. If you come in inebriated, you will be asked to leave. Zero tolerance for it in our spot. People made stupid decisions sober, much less while f**ked up, also they tend to get super mouthy, wont sit still, bleed out quicker/more, and generally get on your nerves...
Yeah, you're gonna have to wait another 3-4 weeks to know what you've really got. That area gets lots of stretching and bumping, too. It may be just fine.
Seems like the skin is overworked, or your skin simply did not like the ink. Let it heal and maybe you could get it reworked, if you think it's infected go to the doctor but it will be fine! Sometimes this kind of stuff just happens. Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 8 Pro mediante Tapatalk
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