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  1. SStu

    Warm tatoo

    Agreed. I wouldn't worry about it unless it get inflamed or is painful.
    2 points
  2. I wouldn't monkey around with it. It is pretty as it is.
    2 points
  3. I am very sorry about your brother. Tattoos don't have to mean anything (mine don 't—I just get tattoos I like), but if you want to memorialize our brother, I'd research artists in your area, share your story when you find a good artist, and ask for ideas. The dreamcatcher has become a bit of a cheesy tattoo over the years, but if that's what you want, talk to an artist about it. They can help you come up with something.
    2 points
  4. pidjones

    Your favorite tattoo?

    I got to thinking today. Of my tattoos, which one do I love the most? Not that I have that many, but I just can't pick a favorite.
    1 point
  5. minisoda

    Hey from Minneapolis!

    Thanks for all the great feedback. Just got home from the appointment. Artist was awesome and it was unanimous that the roses didn't make sense. We just did the eagle and will figure out background at the next session (if any). It's a strong traditional eagle and might just stand alone I will post some pics as soon as I get this bandage off in a couple hours!
    1 point
  6. Hogrider

    Hey from Minneapolis!

    Another no roses vote. Roses have nothing to do with eagles and it is kind of bizarre pairing. Just the opinion of a stranger on the internet.
    1 point
  7. Yes. Sorry about your brother. The tattoo is going to remind you of him regardless of what image you ultimately settle on, so the subject matter isn't really that important to the reasoning. In the US, dreamcatchers have reached a cliche status. Not sure how they are viewed in the tattoo world in Slovenia. In my mind a lizard is a way more interesting image - but this isn't my tattoo, either. Your emphasis should be picking the right artist. There are numerous threads here that go over the do's and don'ts on that subject. Check them out and post us a link to the tattooist you intend to go with.
    1 point
  8. SStu

    Hey from Minneapolis!

    Basis going on your arm I'd use the non-roses version and make it as large as possible. Or you could use the roses and do it on your chest!
    1 point
  9. Hogrider

    Warm tatoo

    Actual reactions to red are pretty rare. I think it's a hold over from the old days when Red contained mercury. It doesn't itch, it isn't swollen, then I wouldn't worry about it. You'd probably have to see the doctor while it was warm. Good luck with that. I have lines that raise up once in a while. Black ink. I don't worry about it.
    1 point
  10. Hogrider

    What can I do with this?

    That looks incredibly hot. I wouldn't change a thing. In my experience when people start monkeying around with a tattoo, the make it worse way more often than they improve it. There is a difference between simple and boring. Yours is simple, but not boring.
    1 point
  11. Just wanted to update, because it's been a year. As @Hogrider mentioned, it took almost a full year for the colour to settle. It just recently started to look as smooth as the black/grey work. Time works wonders for healing, as is oft repeated here.
    1 point
  12. SStu

    Your favorite tattoo?

    like children. loved each in it's own way, and some are just painful lessons 🤪
    1 point
  13. Dustingormley

    Apprentice Drawings

    5 + years later update. What an absolutely wild ride tattooing is.
    1 point
  14. SStu

    Hey from Minneapolis!

    I waited 2 years to get in with Hooper. It's tough being patient but the rewards last a lifetime. Having someone who's not going to do the work prepare a drawing might be entertaining but it's not likely going to impress a capable tattoo artist. The reason you go to someone with talent isn't to get them to reproduce someone else's work - it's to get them to be inspired by their own abilities and creativity. Ideally the references you bring with you on a consult are from the artist who is going to do the work.
    1 point
  15. Yep, I'd think that $$$ has a lot to do with it. If you're an average working stiff it takes time and self control to save up the money for a large piece. Sure you can spread it out over time, but who wants to look at an incomplete tattoo for 5 years? At least with assembling small ones you can enjoy each one as it's finished. Instant gratification and all.
    1 point
  16. JAC1961

    Anxiety ridden canvases

    I don't get it either. If anything, it gave me a sense of accomplishment and overcoming of anxiety, not creating it. I think too many people today is the simplest things as the end of the world instead of just getting over it and going on with life. Not to sound like an old fart, but I think too many people today don't know what real hardship really is.
    1 point
  17. cfgsteak

    Use of Painkillers

    I always take 2 advil an hour before I get tattooed...I think it helps a little with the pain, but it seems to help a LOT with the swelling.
    1 point
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