ok.. well it looks like you have no business asking us anything and should put your complete faith in Michael! 😅 from the look of his portfolio, you should have nothing to worry about.
my updated advice - go get tattooed as soon as possible (3/4, full sleeve, palm sized, full body, whatever!) then come back and some post some pics! 😁
It works either way. I have big pieces. Both my sleeves and chest panels were planned out as were both my legs, which connect all the way up to my chest panels.. That's just one way to go.
welcome to LST!
i think it depends on what the subject matter is and how big the rest of the objects in the tattoo are going to be. If it's a buncha small things, then adding more small things to the last 1/4 is fine. If you're getting a huge dragon or tiger that takes up 3/4, adding something small in the last 1/4 might look like an afterthought. going for the full sleeve right off the bat allows the artist to plan and gain balance. then again, if you already know what you might get in that last 1/4, you might let the artist know your potential thoughts so that they can plan ahead in their minds to make it work well later.
care to share what you're thinking about getting and what artist will be doing the work? this thread currently has too many words and not enough pictures for my simple IG fed mind. 😃
It's best to talk with a quality laser removal tech to see what's possible. You can certainly lighten it...and perhaps get it to the point where it can be covered. You'll never get it to the point where you'll have natural skin tone that would permit unconnected individual pieces...but perhaps a competent artist could create a cohesive look of blended designs. The key is to also find a competent artist.
Why do you want to remove this one?