Have some of this and calm down!
Seriously though, your tattoo is a disaster waiting to happen. The more you monkey with it, the worse it will look. If everyone else thinks it looks great, just accept it an move on. You are FAR more likely to make it worse, than make it better.
Twin Peaks is a surrealistic visual adventure so having a tattoo that follows that theme is understood by me. That being said any surrealistic tattoo is going to get odd looks = and that's OK, as long as you don't mind answering the questions that will arise.
That being said, you're going to need a very high quality artist to pull off the artwork needed to make sure your surrealistic image is readable (even to the initiated). Abstract floor patterns and especially curtains are going to have to not just look random or sloppy.
Who is your artist?
Please don't get anymore tattoos. People with your level of anxiety should never get tattooed.
Covering up a cover up is going to make it worse because you're never going to stop obsessing. Just live with it for a while. You have to.
Not likely an infection after 7 months, but allergic reactions to red ink pigment is not uncommon. There are some old threads here that address that possibility.
I'd say you have too much time on your hands if this is what you spend your time worrying about. If you'd gotten it the other way people would be telling you that was wrong too. Next time someone says that just say, "You know if I want to hear an ass hole I'll fart."