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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2020 in all areas

  1. At this point you're really just wasting your time and ours.
    3 points
  2. Hello Last Sparrow Forum. Got my first tattoo around 1999 at 222 Tattoo in San Francisco. (Just to put the time in context: this was so long ago, I had to type out my idea, print it out, and FEDEX it to the shop. Also, I actually picked up the phone, and called to make an appt) Stopped getting tattooed around 2002. At that point, I had an above the elbow half sleeve and 1/2 chest panel. I didn't get tattooed again for 15 years. Jumped back in in 2017, when I saw the amazing things that people were pulling off now. I feel pretty fortunate to have gotten tattooed by some really cool artists. Finished my right arm this last Christmas, and I have 98% of a full chest done. I didn't plan on a sleeve or a chest piece when I got my first tattoo 20 years ago. I had NO plan, but in my opinion - it's a testament to the power of great artists that my patchwork collection of dissimilar ideas can live together in some cohesive way. I put a bunch of pictures down below.
    2 points
  3. Turning up to a new place to try to get people to back your crowdfunding product is a bad idea. I've backed many Kickstarters, but I learn about it organically and find out for myself. Also, this isn't going to work. My artist has a degree in art and can draw anything I need him to. The vast majority of tattoo artists aren't going to tattoo something you brought in from some nobody who has never tattooed. They will laugh about your request after you leave. It's just not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
    1 point
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