Calm down! A tattoo doesn't heal for 4-6 weeks. Until it's healed you won't know what it's going to look like. Even after that it will fade over time. Don't even think about lasering that. I guarantee that if you start monkeying with that it will look worse, not better. You've got a nice tattoo, enjoy it.
I got this home stick and poke tattoo done yesterday and i just wanted to make sure it looking ok.... like not getting infected etc. I have the slightest pain and but no swelling at the moment. I guess i’m just asking about the redness to see if that’s normal
It takes 4 to 6 weeks to heal. You won't know anything until then. Period. There's no way to hurry the healing process. Just relax until then, there's nothing you can to anyway.
Maybe you should ask the scratcher that did that to you ... in a very visible spot. If it's hot and oozing, then it's infected. I'd put antibiotic ointment on it and keep it covered.