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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2020 in all areas

  1. Dan

    Allergic Reaction??

    it looks normal IMO for a 13 day old tattoo, and the area where the film was will look different until fully healed,don't forget a tattoo takes 6 weeks or more to heal. when I use saniderm it is red where the film was for a week.
    3 points
  2. oboogie

    Allergic Reaction??

    Yes. It will go away.
    2 points
  3. SJP0tato

    New to the game

    Session #3 done, I'm really happy with how things are shaping up! Looks like one more session to add in a few more fine details, and then fill in a bit of background/border. I still need to come up with something for the background, I think something relatively simple so it doesn't detract from the main subjects is probably best (any ideas or suggestions would be awesome too).
    1 point
  4. SStu

    Allergic Reaction??

    probably just a reaction to the bandage glue
    1 point
  5. Yeah.... I been wearing shoes tbh but taking them off whenever possible. I even work with my feet out (teaching pilates) so I don’t wear shoes that often but you’re probably right that it’s partially to blame. Thanks for the advice re touching up timelines and warmer weather.
    1 point
  6. When my tattoo was infected, every bit of the color fell out. It was months before it could be touched up. We waited a few weeks and tried, and the needle just went straight through the flesh. It was bizarre. Just give it a few months and with a touchup, it will be good as new. Were you wearing shoes while it healed? I had my feet tattooed (much more heavily than yours) in the winter, but I still rocked flip flops until they healed. Might try that, even if your feet get cold. Or maybe wait until summer to get it touched up.
    1 point
  7. You are right - get it done and you never have to do it again! @Oiocha
    1 point
  8. Hands On


    Just scored this hand painted gorilla head from Chad Koeplinger!
    1 point
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