I reckon the instant gratification mindset of the younger generation probably plays a part.
They see something, they want something, they get something. After that, they probably realise it wasn't how they envisioned it to turn out. And, lo and behold, it ain't like the latest fashion statement or fad where you can just purchase the latest model, use it once and relegate it to the back of your storeroom until the next spring cleaning either lands it in the rubbish dump, the salvation army donation box, or a garage sale.
Imo, that mindset does not go with tattoos unless we are referring to the the temporary kind. Plus, let's not forget all the "role models" who make it cool to have tattoos on their face, neck, hands, knuckles just for the sake of being a cool kid. Wasn't that the argument given for all the young guns taking up smoking (decades ago)?
Then again, there are also those for whom the above does not apply wherein it is more about adaptation than anything else.