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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Lines don't "get" crooked. It's not a bad tattoo, but the design could be better. The script is too close to whatever plant that is. The 1 in Psalm 91, the 5 in Her 13:5, the "I' in the quote is too close and looks like a 1 and the spacing is all over the place. Having said all that, most people wouldn't even notice. The only reason I bring it up is so you do your homework next time you get a tattoo. Script is NOT easy to do, you need to find someone that does a lot of it and is really, really good.
    2 points
  2. Not at all, especially considering how many shit tattoos people walk around with. It's hard to think of everything, that's why really good tattooers are so rare, expensive, and necessary. Just some things to think about next time.
    1 point
  3. So i wanted to do the opposite forearm only but the artist made a sketch of a full arm which i liked a lot so we ended up doing it Thats 9 hours of work
    1 point
  4. scottyg

    Ego Death

    In Buddhist traditions I could see an enso (though you'd need someone really good) or the character for mu. It's a problem though: I mean, how do you pictorially represent nothing?
    1 point
  5. Hogrider

    Ego Death

    Find an artist whose work you really like and consult with them. My best tattoos are the ones where I just said, "Do whatever you're feeling."
    1 point
  6. 3 weeks still isnt healed, and no tattoo looks the same as the day it was done. Let it heal FULLY (inner layers of the skin can take months to fully settle after a tattoo), but it looks good
    1 point
  7. There are still nothing but heavy hitters at Absolute Art, the indomitable Brian Bruno to name one.
    1 point
  8. JessicaRae

    Bumps on black ink

    Hey everyone! Thanks for being such awesome people. @Hogrider the photos are of my tattoos, I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis. Please go have the bumps biopsied by a doctor or dermatologist! ASAP. My bumps have since gone away. I have not been prescribed any medicine or had any treatments. I changed my diet from a healthy/clean/whole foods diet to primarily plant based diet and the bumps have almost vanished since.
    1 point
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