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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2019 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. Hogrider

    Red ink reaction

    I wouldn't go back. It definitely looks overworked. I agree with the dry heal at this point.
    2 points
  3. Dan

    Tattoo Faded

    I love this ! perfect ! LOL
    2 points
  4. absolutely just let your artist shave you
    2 points
  5. oboogie

    Red ink reaction

    He brutalized you. I'm sorry about that. Hope it heals OK.
    1 point
  6. bongsau

    Red ink reaction

    Dry healing is fine, it just is a bit more uncomfortable to heal and takes a bit longer. Putting ointment and hand lotion on open or scabby skin always seemed counter-intuitive to me.
    1 point
  7. bongsau


    Eyeball tattoos are a gimmick, the risk of permanent damage to your eyesight is not worth the aesthetic IMO. Get some cheap coloured contacts if you want the hallowe'en-psycho look ... Blackout tattoos are great if you want that specific look and/or want a fresh start over some old ink. I've seen (healed) white over blackout work quite well, but I've also seen examples where the white doesn't quite pop (ie dependent on tattooists skill and how much scarring from covered tattoos below). To each their own, I am starting to enjoy abstract tattoos but the "brutal-blackout" look is a bit crude to me. Creatively I think there are more interesting ways to approach layers, blastovers and coverups...but hey express yourself however you choose. cheers
    1 point
  8. bongsau

    Red ink reaction

    Looks very overworked. Are you putting any kind of lotion or ointment on it ? If so I would stop and dry heal that sucker out. Not much you can do, aside from trying not to stress. Let the body heal. In a few months you can assess, re-hit the colour in the tattoo, but it's looking pretty scarred up so you might have to wait a bit longer for a re-hit. Talk to your tattooist.
    1 point
  9. Hogrider

    Tattoo Faded

    I know I have to wait, but can you tell me now?
    1 point
  10. Samth

    Tattoo Faded

    Looks like foggy skin of a healing tattoo
    1 point
  11. When it comes down to it, plenty of people are going to love your tattoos and plenty of people are going to hate your tattoos. Some hate just because they are tattoos and some hate because of personal opinion. Always remember you got the tattoo bc YOU like it that’s all that matters.
    1 point
  12. VenomX

    Tiny Red Spots

    All cleared up now, thanks
    1 point
  13. 1. Someone makes a comment to me about how dumb tattoos are while staring at my tattoos 2. I tell them they are memorial tattoos for all the family I have lost 3. Person looks horrified, tries to think of something to say 4. I drop the mic and walk away
    1 point
  14. Gingerninja


    There is always second and third layers...:)
    1 point
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