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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2019 in all areas

  1. Dan

    Advice/help needed!!

    if it was me I would just leave it alone. trying to change it will just F*** it up.
    4 points
  2. scottyg

    Advice/help needed!!

    @Dan is absolutely right: you'll only make matters worse if you try to make "in" into" "&". I just can't see it working. Small mistakes like in instead of and are livable. Especially considering it's how they sing it? I would definitely leave well enough alone.
    3 points
  3. Good God, how's anyone to know from such a shitty photo?
    1 point
  4. Hogrider

    Advice/help needed!!

    Your skin isn't paper, you can't erase and start over. I don't believe there is any way to fix this without making it worse.
    1 point
  5. Hogrider

    Hey there

    Typo. Ankle is thin skin in general.
    1 point
  6. Dan

    Hey there

    all you can do now is wait and let it heal, keep washing it like you did, use a light coat of Aveeno daily. stressing on it won't do any good.
    1 point
  7. Pricing is very subjective. It depends a lot on your area, the coverage, the design, artist's experience and reputation, their past experience with you, their mood, etc., etc. I wouldn't have a problem asking them (very nicely and non-judgementally) to explain the price and say I thought it would be less. A decent artist shouldn't have a problem explaining that to the person paying for their service. At the end of the day, you have 2 choices. Pay their price or go to someone else. You're not shopping for a can of soup.
    1 point
  8. Same. Just keep it clean and let it heal. Works a treat.
    1 point
  9. I don't dry heal, but I've reduced the amount of aftercare exponentially from what I did when I started getting tattoos. I don't notice any difference in healing. The only think I do that has really helped from a comfort level is that I take a really hot bath as soon as I get home and again the next morning. My artist got this from Filip Leu's shop when he was being tattooed by him. Apparently it's also very common in Japan, although for some reason it's frowned on in the US. My tattoos haven't healed any differently since I started doing this, but there is a huge difference in the amount of discomfort.
    1 point
  10. Hi,yes your skin will tan through the tattoo,so it looks faded,try a good sunblock like SPF50,or a quality long sleeve UV protective shirt
    1 point
  11. it will NEVER again look like it did the day you got it, and keep a light coat of a lotion like Aveeno on it daily, and hey ! if you need a touchup in a couple months, no biggy. keep it out of the sun or use a good sunblock if you are in the sun for a while.
    1 point
  12. Hogrider

    Small Smell

    Too much moisturizer is just as bad as too little, if not worse. 6 days in, so what if it dries out? What do you think is going to happen? When I'm six days in I moisturize it once a day, using just a tiny bit of cocoa butter. I used to make a big production out of caring for a new tattoo. Now I do the absolute minimum and the new tattoos don't heal or look any different than the old ones.
    1 point
  13. @RadbeetSure, go swimming with that open wound. What's worst that could happen? This: https://www.livescience.com/59353-tattoo-flesh-eating-bacteria.html
    1 point
  14. Do you realize the person that you're replying to posted that in 2014? They also haven't visited the forum since then. Every aftercare I've ever read or heard says not to swim for a certain length of time after being tattooed. If you can't follow the instructions given why bother getting it?
    1 point
  15. IMO just leave it alone,if you F*** with it ,will only screw it up, my guess is if you don't point it out to anyone ,nobody will notice the tiny lines. it looks fine to me.
    1 point
  16. It won’t “fix” itself. You should fix your expectations of tattoos. Tattoos are imperfect. They are made by imperfect people on an imperfect canvas. They are not meant to be looked at through a microscope. It’s a small tattoo on a delicate piece of skin and any imperfection is going to be spotted easier. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. what blowout? it really looks like it's healing fine to me. you have to exercise patience with new tattoos. hopefully you'll learn to love it.
    1 point
  18. bongsau

    Opinion on tattoo

    terrible design/composition. and what's up with the solid black flower top? - looks like a biker blackout.
    1 point
  19. $750 for a detailed forearm tattoo is not being ripped off.
    1 point
  20. welcome to LST! you're correct that every artist's process, rates, etc are different and the amount of detail and coverage in the piece can have a big impact on how long it will take. the artists may also be quoting on the high side, to make sure you bring enough dough, then charge you based on the time it took them to complete the piece. again.. artists all work and do business in different ways, so it's hard to tell. artists also work at different speeds, so charging by time might not even be a great indicator. some pics of your previous tattoo and the reference pics of what you're looking to get on your inner forearm could help us provide a bit more insight.
    1 point
  21. Don't use a lotion with sunscreen in it yet...your tattoo is still healing!
    1 point
  22. Gingerninja

    Bumps on black ink

    I really think that you are having an allergic reaction to something... I'd go to a dermatologist and/or talk to my artist(s) to see if they have any guesses/insights. The fact that your tattoo's are itchy makes me think it's an allergy.
    1 point
  23. I switch it up...I have used all of the above. When things get really bad, I use coconut oil. Eucerin is also good stuff.
    1 point
  24. Just wash it and let it heal. It isn't that complicated. Who told you not to take a shower/bath the first three days? That's insane and inaccurate.
    1 point
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