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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2019 in all areas

  1. Well you sort of made my point for me. Had this been a big black panther that he wanted to cover then there’s no way. But because they are light, small geometric shapes a good artist in this style could easily incorporate what is already there into a design that would work I the style the op wants to go with.
    2 points
  2. gtrjunior

    How do I post?

    Hi! I’m psychic. The answer to your question is: “Your tattoo needs 4-6 weeks to heal. “ J/k But the vast majority of first time posters ask: “I had a tattoo done a week ago. Why does my tattoo look like.... Is something wrong with it?”
    2 points
  3. Also...to address the question of walking in with a pic. For an entire sleeve like you want it’s unrealistic to think that somebody could perfectly recreate a picture you found online. You’re best bet is to talk to the artist and let them come up with a unique design that will be all yours!
    1 point
  4. I have a half sleeve on my right arm and I’m currently working on a full sleeve on my right. Every step of the way we have discussed what we are going to have in the design. The artist draws it on my skin with a sharpie and then I check it out in the mirror. I have input the whole time. But, you’ve got to trust the artist to do his/her thing. They are the professional and it’s what they do for a living. Despite other’s opinions I think you can definitely get a killer sleeve in the desired style. Just be open to ideas. The current tats you have may present limitations but I certainly don’t think you need to have them lasered.
    1 point
  5. I understand perfectly. His current tats are so small and light that any good artist in the style should have no problem incorporating them into a sleeve. And by the way....this is a discussion forum. If you want to disagree with me that’s your prerogative. What we don’t need is your cocky “Umm’s” and capitol emphasis words. That’s just being a jerk, unnecessarily.
    1 point
  6. Um, no, I DIDN'T make your point for you. You aren't understanding. The style he wants has so much open space between lines that practically every line in his current tattoos would have to be incorporated into the new one. THAT'S the point. But the only opinion that really counts is the artist doing the coverup. ;-)
    1 point
  7. oboogie

    Tattoo cloudy

    If you like your tattoos, that's all that matters.
    1 point
  8. See, I respectfully disagree. Again, I’m not an artist but those tats are small and not heavily colored and dark. A good coverup doesn’t necessarily have to actually “cover” it. It may incorporate what is already there and make it part of the new piece. I’m not seeing anything there that a good artist can’t work wonders with.
    1 point
  9. That's going to be a tough cover up. You need someone really good at that style AND coverups. It won't be cheap. I agree with @Gingerninga, laser will help.
    1 point
  10. Depending upon what style you decide to go with next, you may hit those with a laser prior to a coverup. Plus, what's the rush? Get what you want!
    1 point
  11. I’m not a tattoo artist but based on pictures etc that I’ve seen I would think that what you’re looking to do is definitely possible. You should research artists in your area that specialize in cover ups and go in for a face to face to get a definitive answer.
    1 point
  12. Nothing wrong with that imo. Just needs more healing time.
    1 point
  13. oboogie

    Tattoo cloudy

    It's new. Just let it heal. Too early to tell anything. Also, don't go back to that tattoo artist.
    1 point
  14. Art is subjective, so no there is no perfect tattoo. Very early on my artist told me that if you look hard enough you'll find something wrong with every tattoo. He said step back and look at the big picture. I can honestly say I enjoy all of my tattoos and I don't look at any of them under a microscope.
    1 point
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