You're reference (that's how you should be referring to the drawing) is a nice starting point - but that's going to need to be quite a large tattoo for it to come out nice and endure decades of wear. I hope you're not planning on putting it on a bicep or pectoral or something.
Lots of tattooists screw up their depictions of "space". Send us a link to your intended artist.
He seems to be a trad/neo-trad/oriental tattoo artist. Is that the style that you're wanting it in? Typically artists want to continue tattooing in their own style so it's most likely not going to turn out exactly how you wanted it as @oboogie stated. The first tattoo always gives the most anxiety because it's the first step into the tattoo world (imo). If you're still that unsure, you could do the ole "change your phone background into the tattoo or a picture of your body with the tattoo using an app and look at it everyday to see if you want to commit to that."
jus my 2 cents
That really is just a reference. No reputable artist is going to take that and just put it on your skin as is. And you wouldn't want them to.
I had lots of ideas about what I thought I wanted from my first tattoo, and I'm really glad I didn't go through with it. If you're that nervous and anxious, maybe just wait a while.
Um, you keep thinking the second day hurts less! Go for the Positive Mental Attitude. Hint: it may hurt worse, it may hurt less but it will probably still hurt. I've done it and I can't say the second day hurts less. Just take super good care of yourself...prepare for battle. 🙂
I’m happy to report I am no longer freaking out and my arm is healing. Most parts are already peeling but the trouble area is really thick and scabby. Gotta get though this next week without them getting too dry and cracking or keeping them overly moist. I’ve never had a tattoo scab like this before so it’s been a good learning experience for me. I have another session in a month and fingers crossed this doesn’t happen again.