This. And a combination of styles (hard outline with watercolor shading/background/highlights) might satisfy both courts in the right design. This particular artist looks like she might be able to capture this.
This. I think from both sides it's a recipe for misery. The artist most likely is going to lose focus (who doesn't after a long day). I have sat for 6-7 hours a few times and I always say I won't do it again. Between breaks (even short ones) the time really adds up. Then, you are a giant open wound just asking for an infection. It really takes a toll on your body.
PRICE shouldn't have anything to do with your decision. Save your money and get the tattoo(s) you really want.
I mean, if you share a picture it might help to have the crowd here tell you what they think. Instant regrets can set in, but maybe it's not so bad. And from what I hear lasering can be a very costly, painful, and arduous experience.
A certain color certainly wouldn't cause an infection, possibly a reaction, but I wouldn't think that be cured by antibiotics.
If this all happened from the same artist I think I'd try a different artist.