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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2019 in all areas

  1. @duckgoosed, it will probably end up looking like a black blob in a few years. Nothing you can do about it now. Just enjoy it and get more tattoos.
    2 points
  2. oboogie


    Don't do that.
    2 points
  3. Nobody on this forum is going to tell you to get tattoos from a basement scratcher. Tattoos if done properly are also not scars... Maybe you’ve already visited a few basements if that’s what you think... Nobody can predict how a tattoo will look in 20 years. Everyone’s skin is different and everyone takes care of their skin differently. If you are worried about how it will look in 20 years then you might be a little too obsessive for such a commitment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. let it heal for 3 months before you take too close a look at it, THEN maybe you could get a touch-up if needed. for now,keep Aveeno on it daily, enjoy it, and start planning your next bad ass tattoo. and stop looking at it with a microscope ! it looks fine.
    2 points
  5. please don't do that.
    1 point
  6. amyj

    helloooo, need some advice

    thanks for the advice everyone😁
    1 point
  7. JAC1961

    helloooo, need some advice

    Listen to Dan. And welcome.
    1 point
  8. joethelion


    For some reason I want it closer to my heart. I was even thinking of distributing the five lines to several parts, like the wrists, the neck, chest and maybe somewhere on the top ribs, but keeping it covered will be better I think. And being the beginner that I am, I think it will be better to keep it simple in order to avoid doing something weird.
    1 point
  9. scottyg


    you don't have to explain shit to anyone man
    1 point
  10. joethelion


    Thank you all for so many really very useful ideas! I will definitely double check the Chinese characters (though I am quite sure they are the elements, like fire, water etc) and ask them to be made smaller. Even like that, though, I understand the Russian script wouldn`t fit on my lower arm. Something else that I haven`t thought before is the questions I would get. Is it considered rude to not give explanations, or say something like "that`s a long story"? This is too personal for me to be sharing with everybody. Which also makes me think -as John suggested- to put it out of plain view. But where would that be? I would love it directly near my heart but don`t know if that would be smart -again for maintenance reasons, as in shaving chest hair🙄
    1 point
  11. SStu


    I would have to agree with whoever told you it won't fit properly on your arm. No problem for the Chinese characters but the little Russian words (at least in the proportion you're showing there) won't last forever. Consider changing the proportions and/or how it's layed out. Also consider an image based tattoo instead. One that reminds you of something you shared or something that reminds you of her.
    1 point
  12. LOL who cares ?!?!? it's going to look like a nicely settled 20 yo tattoo. maybe you shouldn't be getting tattoos if that is a serious concern of yours. here is one of my 24 yo tattoos (never touched up)
    1 point
  13. more tiger this week - nearly there!! Really scared as pretty much all ass left and based on how uncomfortable the top of my ass was I am not excited for my next session [emoji23][emoji51][emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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