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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2019 in all areas

  1. Welcome! What can be done? Well, for starters - find an artist that communicates and listens better. Just like meeting anyone else new, that might take some time. Be patient, and love the work they have already done - not what they say they can do for you. That single toe is muddy enough now that it's not realistic to fix it individually. My suggestion would be to either laser that toe a few times or expand what you're doing to include at least other toes - but even going that 2nd route the results aren't going to be "dainty".
    1 point
  2. And you’re a Zep fan!!! My man!!!!
    1 point
  3. A closer, more detailed pic might help everyone see what's going on. It looks like a dark theme and that should be easy to expand depending on your taste. Are you going to the same artist that did that piece? Have you asked their opinion? Welcome too!
    1 point
  4. Damn, @SStu! Very, very cool.
    1 point
  5. Still healing a little bit on these, but we're mostly there. I love the way Randy Muller tied it all together - even matching styles/patterns on my other work:
    1 point
  6. DMA06

    Hello. New here.

    Good morning. New member here. I look forward to frequenting these boards and engaging in conversation about tattoos and art in general. Although i have been tattooing for over 20 years, my apprenticeship and career thereafter was very limited in scope. Mostly flash and american traditional. My mentor and friend was hell bent on keeping all rotary tattoo machines and new fancy tattoo art outta his shop and it was very frustrating conforming to his wishes. After he died and the shop closed, i bought an iMac with photoshop, a thermal printer, a pocketjet printer, and 4 top of the line rotary tattoo machines. When cartridges came along i bought the grips and carts and practiced with all kinds of art. Although i feel comfortable putting ink into the skin safely as i was trained and licensed to do........i am not where i want to be with newer styles of tattoo art. . For the last few months i have been researching local artists and meeting them and have decided to do a second apprenticeship for modern times. Call it continuing education if you will. Its the responsible thing to do and even though I am 41 years old It’s never too late to learn new things. I appreciate being here. I hope to talk to ya soon. Thanks
    1 point
  7. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/02/ancient-tattoo-needle-southwest-archaeology/
    1 point
  8. Dan

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I got this butterfly/dragonfly start today. will finish in April. tattoo by https://www.instagram.com/tanyatattoos/ she still needs to add a bee and some background,it's based on the song "Dragonfly" by Ziggy Marley
    1 point
  9. Got my other ribs done by Chris O’Donnell a little over a month ago. Pumped with how it came out! The photo was taken right when it was done but I will try to get some healed shots
    1 point
  10. No photos to share but I started my left arm sleeve last week with Grez. A lot more to go before it's done but I'm so excited. 🙂
    1 point
  11. SStu

    December 2016 ToTM

    by Thomas Hooper.
    1 point
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