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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2019 in all areas

  1. Let it heal. Breathe!
    2 points
  2. I've never seen a tattoo that looked blown out and then later looked normal, but maybe someone else has. Listen, EVERYONE is telling you to calm down and let it heal. AFTER it heals, in 6-8 weeks, you'll know what it will look like. Here's the thing - You can't fix blow-outs, so it doesn't really matter if it's blown out or not. No, they are NOT normal, but they do happen. It's not always the artist's fault, they tend to happen more on thin, delicate skin. Tattoos are not perfect. I've never seen a tattoo that you couldn't find something wrong with if you looked hard enough. If perfection is your goal, I wouldn't get any more.
    1 point
  3. bluebullets


    Well seeing as I haven't had a tattoo in years and I follow my artists aftercare instructions, I haven't felt the need to look up overapplication of lotion. Further, seeing as my entire activity in the last few weeks has been me asking simple questions, one could infer that I am not, in fact, a resident expert. Appreciate the effort to be a petty douche and hijack this thread to insult me though.
    1 point
  4. dustybitch


    Bluebullets, there are multiple threads on this board about this and you didn't know it was a thing? How about doing some research before "permanently scarring" yourself? I'd expect more knowledge from a 6 year poster with a half sleeve tattoo 7 years deep or whatnot. 🙂 Yes, I'm stalking your posts since you're coming off as the resident know it all.
    1 point
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